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The library is open to all visitors free of charge.

The reading room has 30 reading desks and a computer to access the catalogue.
Items in the library’s holdings and collections may be consulted in the reading room or taken out on loan.

Borrowing an item requires a user card, which can be requested at the library. You may borrow a maximum of two items at once for a period of no more than 15 days.

Donated items may only be consulted in the reading room.

Below are the weekly reports listing the magazines we subscribe to, with the contents of each issue; use them to request any issue you would like to consult or copy.

Magazine index

- Bulletins of latest bibliographic adqusitions (issues 1-8)
- Bulletin of latest bibliographic adqusitions. Issue 9 [Descargar]
- Bulletin of latest bibliographic adqusitions. Issue 10 [Descargar]
- Bulletin of latest bibliographic adqusitions. Issue 11 [Descargar]
- Bulletin of latest bibliographic adqusitions. Issue 12 [Descargar]
- Bulletin of latest bibliographic adqusitions. Issue 13 [Descargar]
- Bulletin of latest bibliographic adqusitions. Issue 14 [Descargar]

Non digital available documents (on request from: biblioteca.caac@juntadeandalucia.es):

- La Cartuja recuperada. Edition 1992
- "Figura" Magazine (issues 0-8)
- Exhibitions dossiers:

BIOS 4. Biotechnological and environmental art
Daido Moriyama. Retrospective from 1965
Fluxus. A long story with many knots. Germany 1962-1994
General Idea. Editions 1967-1995
Henry Michaux. Icebergs
Geopolitics of the Animation

Viennese Actionism. Brus · Muehl · Nitsch · Schwarzkogler.
Ant Farm / José Miguel Prada Pool
On the Human Being. International Photography 1950-2000
Equipo 57 (1957-1962)
Josep Renau (1907-1982). Commitment and Culture
Malick Sidibé. Photographic studio, Bagadadji.
Untamed Paradises. A landscape review.

Bleda & Rosa. Where time stays
Nancy Spero. Dissidances
Miguel Trillo. Identities
No singing allowed. Flamenco & photography
Stephen Prina. The Second Sentence of Everything I Read Is You
Visual Tactics or how pictures emerge

The 70s Photography and Everyday Lifes
The Schizos of Madrid. Madrid’s Figurativism of the 1970’s
Carrie Mae Weems: Social Studies
A/O (The Céspedes Case)
Candida Höfer. Projects: Done
Marta Minujín. MINUCODEs
Curro González. As a Monument to the Artist
Publics and Counterpublics
Beckett Films

Portada del nº9 del Boletín de Novedades bibliográficas

Portada del Nº0 de la revista "Figura"

Portada del dossier documental de la exposición "Los esquizos de Madrid. Figuración madrileña de los setenta"

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