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: From April 11, 2018
Space: Arco de San Miguel

Found Dead comes forth as an extension of the work that under multiple formats and media the artist Ibon Aranberri has developed in the last years. Unlike other episodes of his trajectory in which the exhibition space evoked an archival space, here the exercise of the exhibition adopts its own archetype, configuring itself as an object, an autonomous construction which goes back to the formalism of sculpture.

In this case, the sculptural is condensed in an opaque entity; the origins that have inspired it are annulled in a formal simulacra with the resonance of its own academic definition. This way, the piece stages the irreversibility between the symbolic-communicative functionality of classical sculpture and the auto-referential hermetecism of abstract sculpture, paradigmatic of modern tradition.

Found Dead is a dead form, a negation of the narrative possibility.

Delimiting referentiality to a domestic context is a common attitude in Ibon Aranberri’s work. Here, the result is a consequence of a collateral effect, of an unforeseen encounter, of an in-situ approximation within the mechanics of a “field work” focused elsewhere. A repeated monolith appears on several occasions like an accident found along the road.

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Ibon Aranberri. Found Dead, 2007-2011. Photo: Pablo Ballesteros


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