Ording Friskole

We are a small primary school-a free private school with approximately 65-75 students placed in the rural country side- situated with lakes, sea side and forests close by. We are 12-15 workers. 4 teachers (of education- with focus on different subjects), one school leader (teacher of education teaching approximately half time ), 2 teachers with university back ground/degrees in:Art/art history + media/story telling both of them teaching approximately half time.) Also we have got 2-4 supply/support teachers working here, who come with different backgrounds assisting the teachers and who carries on in after school club, where also our 2 employees with university background work. These assisting teachers are also here to assist children with different difficulties whom we include. Needs as; ADHD, autism -related problems, sensitive children in general.  All paid workers. Also we have got a secretary one day a week, one person cooking & cleaning 20 hours a week, one handyman working 15 hours a week. Also paid workers. We have got a fine group of parents whom we can ask to help with different projects if needed and also a local community which is ready to give support.

The school´s structure for creative learning/bringing more art into children´s education:

Once a week Ording Friskole has the last many years had one creative morning at the school. Consisting of a combination of practical, creative (art/music etc.), experimental and with both theoretical and practical learning methods. We like to combine and develop all students´ skills to both develop and feed the students self-confident and innovative way of thinking, but also in hope that different and varied methods help difficult learned stuff to build as a more solid base in our students. Often we learn side-by-side different ages as well. Often we like to be outside these mornings in our beautiful nature as well as being active are key words along with contemplation and time enough for lots of thought put into the students work, etc. The morning consists from 8.15-11.30.

Different classes/groups have other more creative subjects on their schedule every week, for instance: Year 0/1 creative English (combination of English and Art. Year 2/3 have two Art lessons per week. Year 4/5: Cooking lessons every week. All groups 0-7th grade have two hours of music every week! Year 4-7 have two lessons a week called p-fag which means project subject. Again our structure at the school makes it easier to develop and put in valuable creative contents. We have got two weeks with theater including the whole school plus two theme weeks with different focus-often creative in the run of a school year. 

Teaching methods/views on learning:

As mentioned we have a very broad way of looking at the background of our teachers and we see this as an advantage for all us + the children/students at the school. And indeed in this project. We feel very lucky to be taking part of this Butterfly project and we are looking forward to this journey with professional workshops, teaching, trips, experiences, creative work, different cultural meetings and gatherings, seeing both our students plus workers benefit and develop from the project.

Learning is for life. Some of the values here at Ørding friskole stems back to the philosopher Grundtvig who believed in exactly this: Learning should be for life and not just for improving your skills in a specific subject without any reason-if learning does not matter the material is not really and deeply learned. Of highly importance to Grundtvig is our shared history and local heritage. Another important philosopher is KrestenKold. He travelled out in the world as we like to do here at the school with our students. But a small and local trip with all of our senses open, but also longer trips on bikes to lakes, harbors, forests, bronze ageburial sites, etc. It is very important that we teach our students and support our students into being open and greeting the world, people and other cultures with open arms. To “travel” both in our minds and for real is essential.

KrestenKold also talked about the importance of a school not being institutionalized. We seek to have a welcoming school with plants, soft furniture and with our pupils art and school work hung on the walls. Both inside and outside there should and must be a creative environment which stimulates the mind of our pupils to develop new ideas for both themselves, everybody at the school plus the local community etc.

Butterfly project:

Butterfly is planned around in cross-sectorial learning, exchange and training activities both at local and transnational level, building bridges between arts and education.

In this frame specific aims of the project are:


  • Improve students’ performance and motivation through performing arts
  • Promote social inclusion by developing the participants’ own capacities and a community sense of belonging
  • Elaborate a common methodology that will reinforce teaching skills and expand school’s curricula
  • Explore the potential of performing arts for transforming the way of learning and improving social and cultural participation
  • Promote the use of local heritage for reinforcing identity and social cohesion within  the entire educational community


We see ourselves as being very fortunate to being part of the Butterfly project and to being part of both developing and implementing following thoughts into our curriculum in future years to come. Also we appreciate all of our new partners-both Limfjordsteatret locally but also our clever partners from both Spain and Italy, schools, cultural institutions and theaters.