Alba Moreno & Eva Grau

Alba Moreno (Málaga,1985)

Interested in artistic creation from a very young age, she experimented with different art forms until settling on photography in 2008. After teaching herself for several years, it was not until 2011 that she began studying fine-art photography at the San Telmo Art School. There she received classes from artists such as Noelia García, who helped her to reorient her work and begin to exhibit it. The first time she entered a contest, she won first prize (MálagaCrea photography competition in 2012) for her photograph White Rabbit, which set the precedent for her active, risky and provocative work. In addition to her work in photography, she began a parallel project in collaboration with Eva Grau with video as its main medium. She is currently involved in several projects, among which are various pieces for Granada Town Hall and an individual exhibition in the Regional Cultural Centre in Malaga.

Eva Grau (Málaga,1989)

Since studying photography, video and lighting with the San Telmo Art School and the Jesús Marín Polytechnic Institute, she has been involved in several workshops on directing photography and sculpture. After various projects firmly within the sphere of photography, she began to get involved in video together with Alba Moreno, in which domain she has put on exhibitions such as the recent Nunca es nada at the Regional Cultural Centre in Malaga. In parallel with such collaborative creation, Grau also began creating pieces involving objects; this kind of art proved successful in the last MálagaCrea plastic arts competition. Despite variations in form, theme is always tantamount; the use of psychological themes inspired by reading thinkers such as Carl Jung and behavioural studies on primitive societies are predominant themes of her work. She is currently in her first year of an Art History degree at the National Distance University.


Alba Moreno & Eva Grau