Ana Barriga

Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), 1984

From her early years, her father strongly influenced her into taking an interest in the mechanics of constructing objects, an intellectual curiosity that led her to study specialist courses in the art school in Jerez and later in Seville, where she attended the Fine Arts School and will graduate shortly.

Although she was at first interested in sculpture and three-dimensional effects linked to space, she gradually veered towards painting, a discipline that she is still exploring and researching, without abandoning aspects concerning overcoming the limits of the picture and its expansion into the surroundings.

As well as coming first or second in several national competitions, in 2011 she took part as representative of the Seville Fine Arts School in the 3rd edition of IKAS-ART, an international art fair for university students held in Bilbao. In 2012, she was chosen for the QUE VIENEN LOS BÁRBAROS exhibition, a collection of new, emerging trends that aim to represent the latest generation of artists in Seville.

Ana Barriga


Ana Barriga

Sevilla. From 19 Dec to 07 Feb 2014

Panel de control. Pintura fragmentada (Control panel. Fragmented painting) is about reviewing the use of fragments in painting. Adapting a non-linear and flexible process that expands the range of artistic possibilities. It applies the laboratory concept of assuming errors and findings as work methods.