Cristina Ramírez

Toledo, 1981

Ramírez has a BA in Art History (2005) from the Complutense University of Madrid and another in Fine Arts (2010) from the University of Granada. She lives and works in Granada. Her recent research is centred on the representation of cosmic horror, a fear of supernatural forces that burst into the plane of ordinary existence. To this end she casts nature, the landscape, as the sole witness to the actions of those invisible forces in a non-anthropocentric universe. Drawing is her instrument of choice for taking on this conflict between the real and the inconceivable. 

Nueve Ángulos (Granada, 2016) was her first show dedicated to this concept. La muerte y el ciego (Granada, 2017) and Superficie de Ruptura [Fracture Surface], her exhibition project for the Iniciarte programme, represent the culmination of her research. Cristina has participated in various group shows such as Donde ocurren cosas at Galería La Gran (Valladolid, 2016); Fin, curated by Pedro Alarcón for Columna JM (Málaga 2015); Me, Myself and I with Fundación Centenera at La Lonja (Madrid 2013); JustMad 2 with Galería ASM28 (Madrid, 2011); Casa Falconieri Group Show at Spazio Hemingway (Cagliari 2011); and the 20th Gregorio Prieto Drawing Competition, where she received an honorary mention (Valdepeñas, 2010). She recently won the DKV-Makma Drawing Prize, thanks to which she held her third solo exhibition, Negro Humo (Valencia, 2016).

Cristina Ramírez


Cristina Ramírez

Córdoba. From 30 Jun to 27 Aug 2017

Cristina Ramírez's works take us to the edge of the unknown, to the no-man's land between two worlds. Titled 'Fracture Surface' in space Iniciarte Córdoba.