Eduardo Rodríguez

Córdoba, 1996

Has a BFA with a special mention in Graphic Design from the University of Granada (2018) and an MA in Interdisciplinary Art Production from the University of Málaga (2019). He has had solo shows like TEST (2020) at the Gran Capitán exhibition hall, as part of the FACBA programme, and Condensadores de Tiempo (2020) at the Palace of the Counts of Gabia, both in Granada. In 2022 his work will also be presented at the Málaga Fine Art Faculty’s gallery under the title La lengua es una tangente.

He was selected for competitions and residencies such as Asecas. Artistas andaluces de ahora (2021) at the CAAC, Seville, the 7th Postgraduate Artist-in-Residence Grant (2020), Málaga, and AlRaso (2018), Granada. Rodríguez has participated in various group exhibitions, including the Nemo Art Festival (2022) in Priego de Córdoba), the 13th edition of El vuelo de Hypnos (2021/22) in Almedinilla, System Vacuum: Propuestas para otro sistema (2020) at CAC-La Coracha, Málaga, and Ni la mano de la ardilla ni el diente del castor (2018) at the Granada University School of Architecture.

In partnership with José M. Ruiz, he was chosen for Panorama (2021) at Galería Fran Reus, the 15th Art Encounters in Genalguacil (2020), the 3rd José Guerrero Residency Programme (2019) in Granada, and the Cuatro x Tres Botí Abierto programme (2021) at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Rafael Botí in Córdoba.

Eduardo Rodríguez


Eduardo Rodríguez

Cádiz. From 27 Jul to 03 Sep 2022

Silver Time, Lead Tongue is a project with multiple comings and goings of connections and meanings between architecture, the object, the body and materials

Eduardo Rodríguez

Córdoba. From 28 Apr to 26 Jun 2022

Silver time, lead tongue is a project by the artist Eduardo Rodríguez, with multiple comings and goings of connections and meanings between architecture, the object, the body and the materials.