Gabriela Mossutto

Comodoro Rivadavia (Argentina), 1986

After earning a graduate diploma in Visual Arts and Design in Artistic Pottery at Málaga's San Telmo School in 2008, she went on to obtain a BFA from the University of Málaga in 2015.

Mossutto is a multidisciplinary artist who works with a variety of media and formats, including sculpture, installation, relief, photography and video. Her oeuvre explores concepts such as destruction, menace, frailty and the public-private dichotomy, with social criticism featuring prominently in the majority of her projects.

She has participated in the group exhibitions Lentes paralelas at the Faculty of Fine Arts Exhibition Hall (Málaga 2012) and Tierra y Fuego at the Málaga Civic Centre (Málaga 2008), and she recently received the Special Prize for New Technology in the MálagaCrea 2015 competition (CAC Málaga).

Gabriela Mossutto


Gabriela Mossutto

Córdoba. From 25 Feb to 24 Apr 2016

"Other spaces" is an exhibition project where the artist Gabriela Mossutto facilities constructed by forms that evoke urban maps from materials left in the sun and vacant lots.