Lucía Tello

Seville, 1996

Tello completed her BFA at the University of Seville (2019), where she also received an MA in Art, Idea and Production (2021). Her work has been featured in solo shows at the Espacio Laraña, Seville Fine Art Faculty (2022) and Galería Espacio Olvera (2019), and in group exhibitions at Galería Badr el Jundi (2021), Espacio Santa Clara (2021), Fundación Valentín de Madariaga (2020), Museo de Faro (2019), and the Professional Architects’ Association of Seville / COAS (2019), among other venues.

She received the 8th International University of Andalusia Painting Prize (2021) and has been singled out in competitions like “A Secas, Artistas Andaluces de Ahora” at the Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo / CAAC (2021). She has also been awarded artistic residency grants by the Colegio de España in Paris, Spanish Ministry of Culture (2002), Fundación Antonio Gala para Jóvenes Creadores (2019) and the San Quirce Royal Academy of Art and History (2019).

Image Copyright Irene del Pino

Lucía Tello


Lucía Tello

Cádiz. From 27 May to 23 Jun 2022

Eternal Feminine invites us to stop and truly think about the stereotypes lurking behind the innocuous appearance of some of the objects with which young girls amuse themselves. The artist’s attentive gaze picks up on particular qualities and translates them into the language of painting, her habitual medium up to this point.

Lucía Tello

Málaga. From 31 Jan to 27 Mar 2022

Eternal Feminine  invites us to stop and truly think about the stereotypes lurking behind the innocuous appearance of some of the objects with which young girls amuse themselves. The artist’s attentive gaze picks up on particular qualities and translates them into the language of painting, her habitual medium up to this point.