Paloma de la Cruz

Málaga, 1991

She has a BFA (2014) and an MA in Interdisciplinary Artistic Production (2016) from the University of Málaga. She is currently working towards her PhD at the University of the Basque Country.

Her work has been featured in various solo and group exhibitions. She is currently an artist-in-residence at La Térmica Creadores 2019.  She has benefited from other artistic residency programmes, such as the 4th Postgraduate Artist-in-Residence Grant and the 14th Genalguacil Contemporary Art Seminar. Her work can be found in the collections of the CAC Málaga, Genalguacil Pueblo Museo, the Provincial Council of Cáceres and the University of Málaga (UMA), among other institutions. Notable solo shows include Erótica inversa (Fine Arts Faculty Gallery, University of Málaga, 2017) and CAER “Fall in Desire” (Casa Sostoa, Málaga, 2017). Additionally, Paloma de la Cruz has participated in various competitions and exhibitions, such as NEIGHBOURS IV (Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, 2018), Dentro del Leviatán (Museo del Patrimonio de Málaga, 2017), INT16 (CCP María Victoria Atencia, Málaga, 2016), MálagaCrea 2016 (Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Málaga, 2016), where she won an honorary mention, 8 Grados Sur (Salas Rectorado UMA, Málaga, 2015), Mulier Mulieris (Museo de la Universidad de Alicante, 2015), and Songs from Space (Salas Rectorado UMA, Málaga, 2013). On the art fair circuit, she presented a solo project at GetxoArte (Getxo, Bilbao, 2017) and the group project PRENDA/PROPIA at Art & Breakfast (Hotel Molina Lario, Málaga, 2017).

Paloma de la Cruz


Paloma de la Cruz

Córdoba. From 19 Oct to 05 Jan 2020

Paloma de la Cruz expresses the mystery of corporeality, of flesh made representation.