Raquel Serrano

Huelva, 1995

Raquel Serrano has a BFA (2017) and an MA in Art: Idea and Production from the Universidad de Sevilla, where she received the Extraordinary End-of-Studies Prize (awarded to students with the highest marks in their class). She also spent a period abroad in 2022, doing art-related research at the University of the Arts, London. She is currently a doctoral candidate in the Art and Heritage programme and a researcher with the HUM822: Graphics and Digital Art group at the Universidad de Sevilla.

Serrano's work has been featured in solo shows like Sobre la imagen at Espacio Laraña (2019), i.jpg at DiGallery (2020) and -copia at Artesantander, the International Contemporary Art Fair (2021). She was also chosen to participate in A Secas, artistas andaluces de ahora, a symposium organised by the CAAC (2019), and in the 15th Genalguacil Art Encounters.

Raquel has participated in Open Portfolio, the International Emerging Graphics Encounter at FIG Bilbao (2019), and in international fairs such as ARCOmadrid—at the booths of Genalguacil Pueblo Museo (2021) and the Provincial Council of Huelva (2022)—and Estampa with DiGallery (2021 and 2022).

Her works can be found in the collections of the CAAC and the MAC/Museo de Arte Contemporáneo of Genalguacil.


Raquel Serrano