Silvia Álvarez

Málaga, 1985

She is a cultural researcher, independent auditor and art critic. She has co-llaborated as a cultural promoter and auditor of international exhibitions for prestigious cultural institutions such as the Picasso Foundation or CAC in Málaga. She has also worked in the department for organising international cinema festivals such as the Seville Festival of European Cinema.

Currently she is the contents director for the Biennial Videoarte VideoAkt, which takes place in Barcelona, Berlin and Paris. She combines this work with her doctoral research in Contemporary Art and New Mediums for the Universidad de Barcelo-na. Her project is outlined by the work of the research group “Art, arquitectura i societat digital”, financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

Silvia Álvarez


Erika Pardo Skoug • Violeta Niebla • Florencia Rojas • Rocío Verdejo • Silvia Álvarez

Málaga. From 03 Jul to 31 Aug 2014

Mermaids (in ancient Greek, Σειρήν Seirến, ‘chained’, perhaps related to the Sanskrit Kimera, ‘chimera’) are mythical creatures, originating in Greek mythology and are very common in fantastic narrations of western literature.