Timsam Harding

Málaga, 1992

After earning a BFA from the University of Granada, he went on to complete an MA in Interdisciplinary Art Production at the University of Málaga and is currently working towards a doctorate in History and Art at the University of Granada.

Harding has had solo exhibitions at the Instituto de América with the FACBA Programme (Santa Fe, Granada, 2021), the University of Málaga Art Department gallery (Málaga, 2020) and Sala PTS (Granada, 2019). He has also participated in several group shows and competitions, such as Vivir juntos. Una puesta en común de las distancias at the C3A (Córdoba, 2021), MálagaCrea, where he won second prize (2020), and the 26th European Visual Arts Contest (Seville, 2020), in addition to doing a project and various collaborations with the Icehotel (Sweden, 2011–2021).


Timsam Harding


Timsam Harding

Jaén. From 15 Jun to 10 Jul 2022
Timsam Harding

Sevilla. From 17 Feb to 17 Apr 2022
Project 28 m/s by Timsam Harding, in the Santa Inés Exhibition Hall, in Seville.