Detalle Actividad Formativa


  • Modalidad: Curso con Seguimiento
  • Estado: Terminada
  • Ámbito: CEP
  • Código: 191408GE088
  • Fecha actividad: 13/02/2019 hasta 26/02/2019
  • Fecha inscripción: 11/01/2019 hasta 08/02/2019
  • Horas totales: 15
  • Horas presenciales: 9
  • Horas no presenciales: 6
  • Nº de plazas: 20
  • Dirigido a: Educación primaria
  • Tipo de descriptor: I - Sociedad Conocimiento
  • Descriptor: 1.3.1.- Actualización en lenguas extranjeras
  • Lugar de realización: CEP CÓRDOBA
  • Provincia: Córdoba
  • Municipio: Córdoba
  • Localidad: Córdoba


? Seek ways to promote greater, and above all, more effective interaction between students through an emotionally supportive classroom approach which builds autonomy, cooperation and meaningful communication ? Explore diversification of teaching practice by reflecting on the 4 Cs of 21st century Education - communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity ? Cultivate practices which combine the considered and motivated use of technology with learner-centred practices (flipped learning, jigsaw learning) ? Familiarise ourselves with specific technological tools and applications which support the above aims ? Create a space of dialogue where participants have an opportunity to discuss relevant thoughts and experiences from their specific contexts.


During the sessions, special attention will be paid to building an emotionally stable and supportive learning environment through simple relaxation techniques. 1st session: February 13th. NEDA MIROVA ? 4Cs - Critical Thinking and Creativity ? Project Based Learning and Problem Based Learning In this session we will focus on the two PBLs as pathways to engaging and stimulating students intellectually, while at the same time providing them with the freedom and flexibility to tailor a creative learning experience and grow autonomous skills. 2nd session: February 20th. NEDA MIROVA. ? 4 Cs - Collaboration and Communication ? Cooperative Learning Strategies and Flipped Learning In our second session, we will examine and try out ways to motivate interaction through combining a Flipped Learning approach with effective and straightforward cooperative and collaborative learning strategies (e.g. Jigsaw Discussion, Round Robin, Numbered Heads Together, etc.). 3rd session: February 26th. AZAHARA GRACIA. ? Gamification Apps for primary education. ? Gamification tools in Collaborative work. In this session, we will practice different ways to motivate our students through gamification combining apps and tools from collaborative work such us escape room, expedition, metaverse, pear deck, etc) All things will be focused to improve in the domain about TIC, TAC and TEP.


Don?t you want to increase interaction between your students in English? Would you like to explore ways to do so from within a creative, rewarding and emotionally stable learning experience? Lately, it has become almost impossible to speak of ?interaction? without mentioning ?technology? in the same breath. Doubtless, technology provides many exciting opportunities to engage students in meaningful language learning experiences in and outside of the classroom. At the same time, if we are to harness these opportunities, it is as important as ever to explore ways of empowering learners through a safe classroom environment based on the 4Cs of 21st century education: communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. This course will use the above four pillars of modern education as a flexible framework to allow us to focus on practical ways to get students interacting in L2, be it through effectively applying the advances of technology (e.g. flipped learning) and, at the same time, reflecting on age-old, but still sometimes neglected, strategies which build students? communicative and cooperative skills.


Las dos primeras sesiones se impartirán íntegramente en Inglés. La tercera sesión se impartirá en español por el carácter de los contenidos. CRITERIOS DE SELECCIÓN DE LOS PARTICIPANTES: - Profesorado especialista en Inglés de los centros públicos de Educación Infantil y Primaria. CRITERIOS DE CERTIFICACIÓN: ? Asistencia, al menos, al 80% del total de horas presenciales con independencia de la causa que motive las faltas de asistencia. ? Realización y superación de una tarea propuesta, además de la cumplimentación de la encuesta de evaluación de la actividad en Séneca hasta siete días naturales desde de su finalización. ACCESIBILIDAD: Si la persona admitida tiene discapacidad motora o sensorial, debe indicarlo en su solicitud para proveer los recursos necesarios. BOLSAS DE AYUDA: Deberán entregarse a la asesoría responsable debidamente cumplimentadas durante las sesiones en las que se desarrolla la actividad. NOTA: Se ruega a las personas que resulten admitidas y que por cualquier motivo no puedan asistir a la actividad, lo comuniquen a través de la plataforma Séneca y, si es posible, a la asesoría responsable de la misma con anterioridad al comienzo de la actividad, a fin de poder incluir a otros solicitantes de la lista de espera. La inasistencia a la primera sesión de la actividad sin comunicación previa será causa de exclusión. El CEP de Córdoba podrá adoptar medidas frente a los docentes que sean admitidos en una actividad y, sin comunicación o renuncia previa, no asistan a la misma.

Equipo de formación

Asesor/a Responsable:
Tejederas Dorado, Concepción Margarita
Criterios de adjudicación automática:
Personal agregado a la actividad:
Ponente: Gracia Ordóñez, Azahara
Ponente: Milenova Mirova Durkan, Neda

Sesiones de la actividad

Fecha Hora de inicio Hora de fin Lugar de realización
13/02/2019 17:00 20:00 CEP CÓRDOBA
20/02/2019 17:00 20:00 CEP CÓRDOBA
26/02/2019 17:00 20:00 CEP CÓRDOBA

Competencia Digital Docente

Descripción Área
Sin Competencias Digitales