Detalle Actividad Formativa


  • Modalidad: Curso Semipresencial
  • Estado: Terminada
  • Ámbito: CEP
  • Código: 201408GE045
  • Fecha actividad: 04/03/2020 hasta 18/03/2020
  • Fecha inscripción: 23/12/2019 hasta 02/03/2020
  • Horas totales: 5
  • Horas presenciales: 4
  • Horas no presenciales: 1
  • Nº de plazas: 25
  • Dirigido a: Educación secundaria obligatoria
  • Tipo de descriptor: I - Sociedad Conocimiento
  • Descriptor: 1.3.1.- Fomento del plurilingüismo
  • Lugar de realización: CEP CÓRDOBA
  • Provincia: Córdoba
  • Municipio: Córdoba
  • Localidad: Córdoba


1. To describe culture, cultural categories and their relation with language learning. 2. To analize and design materials and activities to promote writing and speaking using culture. 3. To analyze and design materials and activities to promote writing and speaking using TV.


March 4th - Culture in the EFL classroom: culture, whose culture? - Cultural analysis of textbooks. - Fostering production skills and interaction through culture. - Activities, materials and strategies to improve oral and written skills in the classroom through culture. March 18th - Use of TV in the Foreign Language classroom. - Sitcoms: enhancing language and culture learning. - Fostering production skills and interaction through television. - Activities, materials and strategies to improve oral and written skills in the classroom through television.


As the development of Intercultural Communicative Competence is the final goal of English Language Teaching, cultural learning needs to be addressed in the classroom. Hence, this module is aimed at fostering speaking and writing skills (both production and interaction) using culture as guiding principle. Since TV shows have unquestionable value as carriers of cultural information, they will play a central role in the second session. Thus, although the most salient advantages of television are vocabulary acquisition and pronunciation improvement, TV can also be a motivating tool to promote writing and speaking activities in our classroom.


Esta actividad está dirigida a profesorado de Inglés de Educación Secundaria y de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas. También está abierto a profesorado de Educación Primaria que imparte en el tercer ciclo. Se trata de una actividad que se impartirá íntegramente en Inglés.

Equipo de formación

Asesor/a Responsable:
Jerez Montoya, Trinidad
Criterios de adjudicación automática:
Personal agregado a la actividad:
Ponente: Larrea Espinar, Ángela María

Sesiones de la actividad

Fecha Hora de inicio Hora de fin Lugar de realización
04/03/2020 16:30 20:30 CEP CÓRDOBA