Detalle Actividad Formativa


  • Modalidad: Curso con Seguimiento
  • Estado: Terminada
  • Ámbito: CEP
  • Código: 201410PR001
  • Fecha actividad: 17/10/2019 hasta 28/11/2019
  • Fecha inscripción: 27/09/2019 hasta 16/10/2019
  • Horas totales: 10
  • Horas presenciales: 6
  • Horas no presenciales: 4
  • Nº de plazas: 20
  • Dirigido a: Internivelar
  • Tipo de descriptor: I - Sociedad Conocimiento
  • Descriptor: 1.3.1.- AICLE
  • Lugar de realización: CEP Córdoba
  • Provincia: Córdoba
  • Municipio: Córdoba
  • Localidad: Córdoba


By the end of the course, you will: - have a clear idea about the importance of developing academic literacy and how this tallies with the global aims of bilingual education (such as the relationship between academic literacy and creative and critical thinking) - distinguish between academic, instructional and communicative language - select suitable (when possible, authentic) materials specific to your subject / interests - use language and content scaffolding techniques to adapt the materials for your classroom context by creating tasks based on the material selected - reflect on how best to help students develop academic literacy through receptive (mainly) and productive skills - explore briefly theories of underlying proficiency in multiple languages - gain awareness about how to better support students in their academic work by focusing on emotional and socio-affective aspects - evaluate and give feedback to colleagues about resources and activities created during the sessions


SESSION 1 - Same language, different tongue - exploring underlying language proficiency and the ideas of Jim Cummins. Defining BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills), CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency and Instructional Language. - Strategies Circuit: activities that support academic literacy for each skill. An exploration of activities focused on academic study skills (e.g. listening - note taking, reading - discerning opinion from fact, writing - expressing opinions directly and tentatively, speaking - signposting in a presentation). - Supporting students ? Emotions 1. Applying mindfulness based techniques to support students - why and how? - Preparation for the task (to be carried out in each participant?s class before Session 2). Task rationale and detailed instructions. - Review and reflection. Revisit key concepts from the session. Reflect on learning. Any questions? SESSION 2 - Exploring relationship between academic literacy and creativity. In this section, we will look at the role of academic literacy as a scaffold in creative and divergent thinking. In particular, we will explore the role of questions in the classroom - who asks who and when. - Supporting students ? Emotions 2. We will look at supporting students emotionally to encourage creativity and independent thinking (for example, diversifying through applying Multiple Intelligence), as well as creating a non-judgmental and caring learning environment. - Presentation of activity and group feedback. In small groups, and using an observation list or rubric, participants will present the task they prepared individually and the activities carried out in their classrooms between the two sessions. Colleagues will provide feedback, pointing out strong areas and suggestions for improvement. - Reflect on learning. Were your expectations met? How did you do? What next? - Closure and course feedback.


This short course will provide basic theoretical background and practical skills which will enable participants to conceptualise academic literacy clearly and connect it to their own current and future teaching practices, especially, although not exclusively, in the context of CLIL. SESSION 1 The first session aims to give a concise theoretical grounding. We will look at, in particular, Jim Cummins? ideas about underlying language proficiency and relate their importance to academic language use in bilingual education. The session will be dynamic and encourage participants to work cooperatively by taking part in practical activities adaptable to their own classroom context. We will also reflect on pastoral care - ideas to support students in learning by the use of some simple relaxation techniques. Task (to be carried out between Session 1 and 2). As there is a long time between the two sessions, a practical task will be set. This is to be carried out in each participant?s class, specifically tailored to the needs of their particular group of students. SESSION 2 In the second session, we will make an explicit link between academic literacy and the way that it supports critical and creative engagement with content. During this session, we will apply the knowledge gained from the first session and the task prepared and carried out by participants, to evaluate colleagues. This will take the form of an open feedback session where we will have a chance to comment on and discuss each other?s ideas in a constructive and friendly environment, consolidating ideas, focusing on further areas to think about or questions that remain.


Equipo de formación

Asesor/a Responsable:
Martínez Serrano, Leonor María
Martínez Serrano, Beatriz
Tejederas Dorado, Concepción Margarita
Jerez Montoya, Trinidad
Castro Calero, Carlos
Criterios de adjudicación automática:
Personal agregado a la actividad:
Ponente: Milenova Mirova Durkan, Neda

Sesiones de la actividad

Fecha Hora de inicio Hora de fin Lugar de realización
17/10/2019 17:00 20:00 CEP Córdoba
28/11/2019 17:00 20:00 CEP Córdoba

Competencia Digital Docente

Descripción Área
Sin Competencias Digitales