Detalle Actividad Formativa


  • Modalidad: Curso a Distancia
  • Estado: Terminada
  • Ámbito: Provincial
  • Código: 211408PR035
  • Fecha actividad: 12/04/2021 hasta 12/05/2021
  • Fecha inscripción: 02/03/2021 hasta 25/03/2021
  • Horas totales: 20
  • Horas presenciales: 0
  • Horas no presenciales: 20
  • Nº de plazas: 63
  • Dirigido a: Educación secundaria obligatoria
  • Tipo de descriptor: I - Sociedad Conocimiento
  • Descriptor: 1.3.1.- AICLE
  • Provincia: Córdoba
  • Municipio: Córdoba
  • Localidad: Córdoba


To consider the meaning of diversity in contemporary society To construct an emergent definition of diversity as a teacher in bilingual education To explore diversity in bilingual education in other European contexts To become familiar with ADIBE guiding principles responsive to diverse classrooms To consider how a deepening awareness of diversity and inclusion in the classroom impacts on classroom practices (principles from Module 1). To analyse the design of tasks and activities in units of work that enable all learners to have `successful learning experiences in the bilingual classroom. To share practical ideas for addressing diversity with teachers across Europe. To develop a teacher Tool Kit for your own practice.


Principles for Addressing Diversity in Bilingual Education (ADiBE) 1. REFLECTING ON THE CONCEPT OF DIVERSITY Let's Go! Quiz 2. DIVERSITY IN THE CLASSROOM Videos Talk Diamond Nine Professional Reading 3. A COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE ON ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY IN CLIL A cooperative learning activity 4. UNRAVELLING THE ADiBE PRINCIPLES (Re)Defining Bilingual Education How can we construct a 'level playing field'? ADiBE principles for Learning and Materials Design 5. PRACTICAL IDEAS FOR DESIGNING UNITS OF WORK Ideas and strategies from ADiBE materials Pluriliteracies Dialogic Classrooms Learner-centredness Scaffolding Explicitness and Transparency Multimodality 6. SHARING CLASSROOM PRACTICE FROM ACROSS EUROPE 7. DESIGN FOR LEARNING: REFLECTIONS & ACTIONS


The ADiBE project ( brings together key figures with ample experience in the field of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) from six countries (Spain, Austria, Finland, Germany, Italy, and the UK). It aims to fill a much-needed niche affecting catering to diversity within CLIL programs across Europe and to work towards an inclusive, innovative, and reflective society by offering research-based evidence and concrete resources to improve language learning and make bilingual education a more inclusive reality for all. Its objective is three-pronged: to identify difficulties and best practices in catering to diversity in intercultural and content integrated language learning and teaching; to produce and implement project -, task-, and ICT-based activities to make CLIL accessible to all types of achievers; and to design and pilot teacher training modules to empower practitioners to step up to this important challenge. The ultimate aim is to contribute to the integration of all students, regardless of their socioeconomic status, educational background, or achievement level and to making CLIL accessible to all. The third output of the project is a teacher development module covering theoretical guidelines, tried-and-tested techniques, and practical examples to equip teachers to cater to diversity in CLIL classrooms. It is based on the findings of the study conducted in the first year (output 1) and the sample activities designed in the second year (output 2), thus once again placing research at the service of pedagogy and using the diverse outputs of the project to build on and enrich one another. The course comprises a theoretical backdrop to familiarize teachers with the concept of catering to diversity in CLIL. It also familiarizes potential participants with strategies and techniques that have been found to be successful in attending to diversity across northern, central, and southern Europe in the first phase of the project.


El curso se realizará usando el inglés como lengua vehicular. Requiere un nivel de inglés B2 (CEFR) para realizar el curso a) CRITERIOS DE ADMISIÓN: Docentes de Enseñanza Secundaria pertenecientes a centros sostenidos con fondos públicos. Criterios de adjudicación de plazas: 1º Docentes pertenecientes a centros colaboradores del Proyecto Erasmus+: CLIL FOR ALL: ATTENTION TO DIVERSITY IN BILINGUAL EDUCATION 2º Orden de llegada de solicitudes para el resto de docentes con prioridad a aquellos docentes que imparten sus materias en inglés (Secundaria) b) CRITERIOS DE CERTIFICACIÓN: Realización y superación de las tareas propuestas. c) ACCESIBILIDAD: si la persona participante tiene discapacidad sensorial, debe indicarlo en su solicitud para proveer los recursos necesarios. d)RENUNCIAS: Las personas que resulten admitidas y que por cualquier motivo no puedan asistir a la actividad deben comunicarlo a través de la plataforma Séneca así como a la asesoría responsable con anterioridad al comienzo de la actividad a fin de poder incluir a otros solicitantes de la lista de espera. La inasistencia a la primera sesión de la actividad sin comunicación previa podrá ser causa de exclusión.

Equipo de formación

Asesor/a Responsable:
Martínez Serrano, Beatriz
Landa Navarro, Raúl
Criterios de adjudicación automática:
Los especificados en el apartado "Observaciones"
Personal agregado a la actividad:
Tutor/a: Milenova Mirova Durkan, Neda
Tutor/a: Pérez Invernón, María América
Editor/a de curso: Dumitru Sopirla, Delia Carmen

Sesiones de la actividad

Fecha Hora de inicio Hora de fin Lugar de realización

Competencia Digital Docente

Descripción Área
Sin Competencias Digitales