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Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo
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The Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo (CAAC) was created in February 1990 with the aim of giving the local community an institution for the research, conservation and promotion of contemporary art. Later the centre began to acquire the first works in its permanent collection of contemporary art.

The former Carthusian monastery became its home in 1997, a decisive moment in the museum’s history. It was also then that the Monument Zone of La Cartuja and the Museum of Contemporary Art of Seville, along with their respective collections, became part of the CAAC. Today it is a government agency under the aegisof Andalusia’s Regional Minister for Culture. The CAAC also acquired two new spaces in 2018: the C3A Centro de CreaciónContemporánea de Andalucía, the institution’s venue in the city of Córdoba, and the 15th Century Pavilion, a nearby building in the old charterhouse grounds mainly used to store and exhibit works from the collection.

From the outset, one of the main aims of the centre has been to develop a programme of activities attempting to promote the study of contemporary international artistic creation in all its facets. Temporary exhibitions, seminars, workshops, concerts, meetings, recitals, film cycles and lectures have been the communication tools used to fulfil this aim.

The centre's programme of cultural activities is complemented by a visit to the monastery itself, which houses an important part of our artistic and archaeological heritage, a product of our long history.

Permanent Collection
From a chronological point of view, the CAAC collection can said to date from 1957, the year in which Equipo 57 became known. The permanent collection includes pieces by Luis Gordillo, Candida Hofer, Rebecca Horn, Pablo Palazuelo, Joseph Kosuth and Louise Bourgeois. It focuses in particular on the history of contemporary Andalusian creativity and its relationship with other national and international artistic contexts.

To complement their visit to the centre, visitors may also see the historical grounds of the former monastery which includes the old chain door, atrium, chapels of Santa Catalina, San Bruno, Santa Ana, Profundis and la Magdalena, the priory cell, church, the sacristy, cloisters, monks' chapter, refectory, gardens and orchards.

Since 1994 the centre has organised a series of themed exhibitions relating to different aspects of the Monastery in which pieces from its archives address relevant events in contemporary aesthetic creation.

Documentation Centre / Library
At present the Library contains over 26,000 volumes concerning multiple aspects of contemporary art, with particular interest in exhibition catalogues from the 1960s to the present and numerous facsimiles. The Library also subscribes to almost a hundred periodical publications and has an important collection of exhibition leaflets, posters, audiovisual material, etc.

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Images of Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo

Images of Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo

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