Dom. 5 May, 2024


Video-Games Development Support

Tipo de actividad

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
02/03/2016 – 01/03/2020

Estado del proyecto







Talon’s Reach is the first installment of the “Trails of Life” series by tiger & squid The game tells the story of Cheim, a talented young man who serves as the right hand of a notorious information trafficker in the kingdom of Re’sid. Most of his job involves the planning and execution of the orders that are give by his boss. As a perfectionist and talented strategist Cheim seldom plays by ear, instead he plans every step with meticulous detail, running every scenario and making adjustments until he finds the one that suits him best. Every mission starts with a briefing which presents the play with a final goal. Before he starts on the actual mission, the player must plan the mission on paper. The mission consists of several steps. Each step can be solved in a number of ways. The players picks a an option for each step that suits him best.After deciding on a plan the player can test it. The plan will play out on the map as image slides, as should be expected with the current information available, highlighting possible flaws and negative outcomes. The player is allowed to test and alter as he wants, sometimes with new options available.After the planning phase is completed, the player will enter the next phase:After the initial planning phase, the mission will start and Cheim has to complete this based on his previous conceived plan. If unforeseen complications occur, he has to improvise on the spot but these encounters will also help him improve and adapt his skills along the way.After the mission is completed the player is presented with the results of the mission.The player is allowed to reflect on the choices that he has made. The combination of his deeds combined with his intentions will shape his personality further and alters it