Natalia Dominguez
From 19 Jan to 16 Mar 2018




This exhibition is in collaboration with La Madraza (Visual Arts Area), Centro de Cultura Contemporánea, University of Granada.

In 1977, NASA initiated a new journey into space when it launched the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 probes from Cape Canaveral. Both were sent out with the mission of reconnoitring the solar system. Natalia Domínguez uses the epic adventure of exploring unknown outer space to draw spectators into a world full of riddles, which may also be the enigmas of art.

In Greetings to the Audience, an intense research project that Natalia Domínguez has been working on for the past year, we see that that dissolution is absolutely implacable with our history and our forms of representation. In her artistic practice and research, Natalia Domínguez has made a habit of constantly questioning how the roles of both artist and audience are represented in the visual arts.  At times her works may seem naive and even elicit an innocent smile, yet the punctum of her portrait of the art world is not easily digested, for it offers proof of fraudulent relations of power, hierarchical structures and the empowerment of certain systems of reading or interpretation.

This exhibition addresses readers directly, involving, imploring and giving them tools to embark on an exploration of contemporary knowledge. In this way, the audience, becoming more than mere spectators, interact without realising that they are part of the work. In other words, they are confused manufacturers of a falsehood of true facts.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by Johanna Caplliure.


Place: Sala de Exposiciones PTS. Campus de la Salud de la Universidad de Granada. Avda. de la Ilustración s/n, Granada.

Monday to friday 11.00-14.00h  & 17.30-20.30h

Opening: January 18, 20.00h

Visit: February 16, 19.00h

Kids Workshop: February 16, 17.30h



Natalia Dominguez

Cádiz, 1990

BFA from the University of Granada and MA in Artistic Production and Research from the Polytechnic University of Valencia.

Some of her exhibitions to date have been Confesiones, her first solo show at Sala d’Arcs, Fundación Chirivella Soriano (Valencia); her stints as an artist-in-residence at Fundación BilbaoArte (Bilbao), El Ranchito Matadero Madrid – PIVÔ São Paulo and alRaso, Valle de Lecrín (Granada); and the group exhibitions Para llegar a ser artista de éxito, ColumnaJM (Málaga), #UNDER35, GACMA (Málaga), A Secas: artistas andaluces de ahora, CAAC (Seville), Mostra d’Art Públi ( Valencia), El proceso, FACBA16 (Granada), Eclécticos, Galería Mr. Pink (Valencia), Si no todas las armas, los cañones, Matadero (Madrid), among others. Domínguez is a co-founder of Espacio Cienfuegos (Málaga) and author of the “Also Starring” section of Nosotros, an online platform for creative and theoretical research in contemporary art.