Cachito Vallés

Sevilla, 1986

Graduated from the University of Seville with a BFA and an MA in Art: Idea and Production. He has produced shows at galleries like Luis Adelantado and JMGalería, among others, and has exhibited his work at various art centres and museums across Andalusia.

He has participated in international art fairs such as Zona MACO and was selected as the recipient of several production and exhibition grants. His work is based on an experimental approach to art through new creative media and a language that relies on patterns, duality and geometry.


Cachito Vallés


Cachito Vallés

Granada. From 09 Oct to 27 Nov 2020

In Continue Forever, Cachito Vallés alludes to the perceived cyclical quality of time in its most poetic version.

Cachito Vallés

Sevilla. From 10 Jul to 13 Sep 2020

In Continue Forever, Cachito Vallés alludes to the perceived cyclical quality of time in its most poetic version.

Javier Bermúdez • Jose Hevilla • Fran Conde • Cachito Vallés

Córdoba. From 15 Dec to 17 Feb 2019

Through the work of José García Vallés, Fran Conde and José María Hevilla, the “picture-object” will run the gamut from seemingly 19th-century positions to others where painting literally steps outside itself.