Jonás Torres

Sevilla, 1983

Jonás started his adventure in the world of photography at a very young age, holding on to any small camera within his reach. As he grew, so did his interest for taking pictures of people and everything around him. Then came some conferences and his first exhibition at the age of 16 in “Sala La Imperdible” with the theme “Antimoda”, where one can already see the influences and tastes which are still present in his photography. In 2001 he started a distance course in photography and in 2004 he began studies in the Cinematography School of Andalusia (Escuela Andaluza de Cinematografía - AEC), where he perfected the cinematographic style he would use for his own stories. His time in the Cinematography School of Andalusia served as a doorway into the audio-visual world. In that same company, he continued to further his professional career by taking every opportunity that came his way and opening every door he found, becoming not only a video technician, but also a designer and editor of video.

With La Cajonera Cultural (a project in which Jonás is actively involved as creative director and co-founder together with Natalia Vearr), Jonás started a new stage in his life, once more combining his interest for art by taking the lead in designing the posters, and complementing it with various important individual and collective exhibitions in spaces such as: La Galería Roja, creative space Galería El Pasaje, or the creative space H, and sporadic collaboration with different online publications such as F-Stop, and working with the photographer Elisa Muñiz who he accompanies in the capacity of photographer’s assistant.



Jonás Torres


Jonás Torres

Sevilla. From 04 Dec to 20 Feb 2015

Estructura moral del paraíso (Moral structure of paradise) is a delicate connection made by the author in which he joins three photographic projects and a video created from 878 photographs. In each of them, he represents, in his own way, the pillars underlying the crisis, such as emigration, job insecurity and evictions, and of course the state of miserable people clinging to the past good times.