Paco Chanivet

Seville, 1984

Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts, with studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology.

He lives and works in Barcelona. Some of his contributions to the Spanish art scene have been for ‘El lugar de los hechos’ (Sala d’Art Jove), ‘Audio-deriva para el Archivo J.R Plaza (’La Virreina Centre de la Imatge), ‘F de Ficción’ (Can Felipa Arts Visuals), ‘Constelaciones familiares’ (Sala Muncunill EspaiDos), ‘Ne travaillez jamais’ (ADN Platform, ADN Galería), ‘Siga los rastros como si fuera miope’ (Arts Santa Mònica), ‘Panorama 2018’ (Galería Fran Reus), ‘No es lo que aparece’ (Premi Miquel Casablancas, Fabra i Coats) and ‘SSSSSSSilex’ (La Capella - BCN Producció).

Paco Chanivet


Blanca del Río Pérez • Mercedes Pimiento • Cristina Mejías • Paco Chanivet • Jose Iglesias Gª-Arenal

Sevilla. From 20 Oct to 05 Jan 2019

Project of investigation and exhibition that has as purpose the questioning of the object 'history' or 'historicity' through the artistic practices. This collective exhibition is composed of Mercedes Pimiento, Paco Chanivet, Jose Iglesias Gª-Arenal, Cristina Mejías and is curated by Blanca del Río.