José Jurado
Del 29 Sep al 29 Nov 2015




This project interprets 21st-century Spanish still lifes in a contemporary key, through compositions that reveal the bright and dark side of modern-day Spain in a symbolic way. The botellón or massive outdoor drinking party has become a sign of our national identity, and many Spanish youth no longer know how to socialise in any other context.

In these works we see the detritus and destruction left after the botellón, photographed in situ and unaltered using a documentary approach. Unlike classic still lifes, where every element is carefully arranged, here the only manipulation is the setup of the piece itself and the interplay established between the painting, reality and what we want to see behind the light and shadows of the first rays of dawn.

The exhibition catalogue features essays by Artemio Baigorri and Ángel Aterido.



José Jurado

Villanueva del Duque (Córdoba), 1984

After earning a BFA from the University of Granada, he went on to complete a master's course in Professional Photography and Documentary Reportage at the EFTI Photography and Film School, an MFA in Art, Creativity and Research at the Complutense University of Madrid, and an MFA at Manchester Metropolitan University.

This multidisciplinary artist works with a variety of media and formats, creating social, critical, participatory projects that reflect his particular interest in the society around him. He has received scholarships and financial aid for both his educationand the production of his art projects (Iniciarte, ECAT, Fundación Provincial de Artes Plásticas Rafael Botí and Matadero). He has also attended workshops given by artists like Carlos Garaicoa, Mira Bernabeu, Xavier Ribas, Manel Esclusa, Antoni Muntadas, Jeremy Deller and Santiago Cirugeda. He has received several grants and awards and held solo and group exhibitions at various venues, including Sala del Canal de Isabel II, Sala d'Art Jove, Espacio ECAT, Off Limits Madrid, Galería Asm28, Matadero, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporáneo, Sala Amadís, Villa Irís Fundación Botín and Sala Puerta Nueva.