About us

About us


Andalusia has a network of 249 protected natural areas, which represents just over 32% of its surface under some form of protection. In this web portal you have at your fingertips all the information you need about Andalusian protected areas and about the offer of facilities for public use available. Reception and information centres of the different spaces, botanical gardens, viewpoints and observatories, mountain shelters, among other types of facilities, which on this website have exhaustive information that will undoubtedly help you plan a successful visit to them. All this, without forgetting the wide network of signposted trails and cycle routes, of whose characteristics and elements of interest you can easily find out through this portal.
In addition, you will be able to consult all the current news about Andalusian natural spaces, accessing the different news and events related to them so that you do not miss the opportunity to attend those that may interest you.
On the other hand, you can voluntarily register and access the Personal Area. In this section you will have the possibility to plan visits and share them with other registered users, register in your "Ecotourist Passport" all the spaces or facilities that you have visited or share your photographs of the protected areas with all the users of this website.
As a matter of fact, the richness and variety of the natural and cultural heritage that the network of protected areas treasures constitute a huge attraction for your visit and enjoyment: hike up to a volcano and down to a desert, wonder before endless dehesas and ancient forests, touch the sky with your hands, tiptoe into the lynx’s kingdom, watch the secret dance of birds, sail between two continents, stroll along eternal landscapes and feel the hospitality of their people, get lost through stone labyrinths and dazzling marshlands to, eventually, rediscovering yourself.
Here you will find everything you need to make of your visit an unforgettable experience. Look out and you will see...