

Cooperation projects

Tipo de actividad

Painting, drawing, Photography, film, video

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
01/09/2017 – 31/03/2019

Estado del proyecto







In the creative industries, new technologies lead to important changes in the skills demand, making the digital competences and the creative cross-overs among different art-forms and media at the centre of the sectors’innovation. Born from the experiences of 5 partners – Fondazione Unipolis, Cinemovel Foundation, Libera. Associazioni Nomi e Numeri contro le mafie, Les Ateliers Varan, Udruzenje “Tuzlanska Amica” -, coming from 3 countries (Italy, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina), and from diverse sectors of the cultural and creative industries, the project «Artists@Work. Creativity for Justice and Fairness in Europe» – A@W – has outlined and developed a model for the enhancement of the digital skills and the cross-media artistic techniques of European artists and creatives. In order to promote the exchange of artistic professional experiences, 85 young European artists, selected by a transnational call for artists, have been guided and mentored by 6 professional artists from the 3 different countries, deepening their skills in the art of: comics and illustration, photography and video-making. The choice of the three visual arts has steamed from the natural proximity of the three contexts, in addition to an increasing demand for enabling the co-production and professional collaboration between different professionalisms. The A@W project has encouraged the participation of young artists aged 18-35, in order to address youth unemployment too and build a network at European level to foster their careers. The 85 participants – 28 photographers, 29 graphic novelists, 28 videomakers – have been coached for 14 months through a blended teaching approach, composed by in presence learning-by-doing 9 workshops, in 3 training sessions for each country, and a virtual mentoring, focusing on the digital technologies and on the new opportunities for the creative sector, encouraging the use of digital technologies from production to distribution and consumption. The training model placed at the heart of the creative process the potentialities of new digital technologies through the A@W web platform,, developed by the project, a dedicated space to exchange thoughts and methodologies while trainers to coach and supervise the creative process of the artists to create original artworks. Through the platform there has been also a storytelling of the different phases of each creative process. The underlying theme of the creative process, the frame of the activities has been the role of arts and creativity in conveying social values and in engaging communities with a special focus on the social justice and the fight against organized crime and corruption. The creative process results are 64 original artworks, some in co-production – 24 works of comics and illustration, 28 photo shoots, 12 videos – that are published on the A@W platform. They are a collective storytelling of the most urgent European challenges, available on line for everyone and from everywhere. The 64 artworks and all the communication outputs of the project had reached and will reach in the next five years the European communities as an international campaign supporting social justice and the fight against organized crime and corruption. These campaign is promoting european values and the Creative Europe Programme. All the artworks have been showed into a travelling exibition, Just/Art, opened in Ferrara, Padua, Turin and Paris in the last months of the project. The Bosnian artworks have been showed in 3 exibitions opened in Tuzla and in 1 exibition opened in Srebrenica The French photo projects have been showed in 1 exibition in Paris. After the project end, the artists are reusing their artworks for artistic and professional purposes. The A@W project leaves in the participants professional paths, skills, competences, attitudines in line with the Creative Europe Programme. A@W project invite you to visit and to see A@W promotion video.