

Western Balkans Cooperation projects

Tipo de actividad

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
01/03/2021 – 31/03/2023

Estado del proyecto








Historical comics in the Balkans have a past marked by nationalist discourses and communist propaganda or simply do not have a past (the case of Albania). Unfortunately, in many cases, the sins of the past also characterize the present Balkan comics. Then, the regional art market of historical comics is poor, divided and autarchic.The cultural consortium of partners from Albania, Belgium, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia wants to change this black perspective and says CAN for the creation of a cross-border cultural network to facilitate cooperation between artists and specialists in the world of historical comics in the Western Balkans and the European Union, in the spirit of the values ​​of the European Union.To achieve this goal, the consortium- encourage the creative exploration of history by comics artists in order to generate new works, original and unconventional contributions to the interpretation of European history in general and Balkan history in particular, with an impact on cultural spaces dominated by a cultural heritage with incompatible accents with the values ​​of the European Union, by establishing a working tool (digital archive and historical studies) for the history of historical comics and an international open call to the artistic sector;- will promote historical comics through cultural actions such as exhibitions, research projects, online platforms and public debates about cultural and social clichés and stereotypes in the Balkan world.But the project is not only aimed at professional target groups (artists, specialists, organizations) or comics enthusiasts, but also the general public and the local communities hosting the project. Moreover, an important objective of the project is to increase the audience for the field of comics through free access of the general public to attractive cultural events (itinerary of the project exhibition, in the partner countries), as well as in the online area (digital platform).