

Cooperation projects

Tipo de actividad

Tangible culture – historical sites and buildings, Theatre, Dance, Music, Digital arts

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
01/05/2017 – 31/03/2020

Estado del proyecto








Cultural heritage is the silent witness of our long history, creativity and struggles. It is one of the pillars of European culture and our common legacy for future generations. Cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, is at the core of the contemporary reflection of EU institutions, and archaeological sites are the tangible heritage of the past civilizations, the silent witnesses of a common cultural background that is still part of our life. The aim of HERITART is the promotion of the European cultural heritage through the transmission of a new vision on archaeological sites, intended as a true asset for the cultural development of Europe.HERITART project has developed a new model for the promotion of archaeological sites through artistic performances. Designed and developed by 3 EU partners: I Borghi (IT), Hrvatsko Narodno Kazalište Split (HR), Institutul Național Pentru Cercetare și Formare Culturală (RO) and co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, the project started in 2017 and closed at the end of 2019.The project has developed 2 HERITART Festivals in Italy and Croatia, with national and international productions and co-productions, with a multidisciplinary format comprehensive of video mapping and light design for the venue set-up and artistic programme communication. HERITART partners have worked together with experts and stakeholders in Laboratories, Workshops and Artistic Residences to produce the project’s results. Amongst the others:- A database with the best practices of the artistic management in archaeological sites- A model for the design and running of art performances in heritage sites, comprehensive of tips and suggestions; – A “Common working method” aimed at facilitating the design and running of performing art Festival in heritage sites. From the definition of the artistic program to the technical set up and logistics, from the communication plan definition and implementation to the evaluation, the Model represents a useful tool for the culture professionals and stakeholders. – 2 national artistic productions and 1 international co-productions performed in two festivals’ editions (Ostia Antica IT and Salona HR in 2018 and 2019)- 1 Training Programme for professionals willing to acquire competences on the specific theme of art performances run in archaeological sites, complete with 4 Training Workshops on artistic aspects, technical implementation and light design, institutional communication and Audience Development.- 1 international Network to continue sharing know-how, disseminate project’s results and promote HERITART’s idea of Cultural Heritage as an asset.