

Cooperation projects

Tipo de actividad

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
01/09/2019 – 29/05/2022

Estado del proyecto







Moving Classics Sonic Flux is a 33 month project using music, new media, & live events to build on the EYCH creating new work from the heritage of displacement across Europe – redefining what new music can be in a socially engaged setting. Residency actions will enable mobility & upskill our artists allowing them to undertake experimental projects with AV specialists developing skills and practice, while a series of large actions will aim for large audience reach & growth, high quality art, & an activation of intangible cultural heritage of internal and external migrants using arts production.A new label will be established to represent & promote the artists/works across online, installation, & live performances providing a new business model for artists to develop & deliver works hand in hand with communities.It follows the trajectories of people, stories & culture to explore how all countries share the condition of being in a constant state of flux – both within & outside. Bringing communities together with writers, musicians, composers, event & online producers, & festivals, it will use collaboration in experimental & electronic music to explore new methods of storytelling through immersive experiences – both physical & virtual.Building on MCLASS (, MCSF will allow artists to escape both the classical ‘chamber’ & the record industry bottom-line by converging the digital & live experience, appealing directly to online audiences, develop licensing opportunities by resourcing innovative creative collaborations (that can be experienced both online & as live events), & achieve larger live audiences by presenting the final works within festivals & programmes of much broader appeal than contemporary music events. The core of MCSF will remain a residency artist development project, but with a more embedded community focus, attention to creating new markets for the work & dedication to creating longevity in the collaborating artists’ work.