

Cooperation projects

Tipo de actividad

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
15/11/2019 – 14/09/2021

Estado del proyecto







With the constant development of digital means and technologies and the emergence of new uses and distribution channels, the digital revolution directly concerns cultural stakeholders and creatives. From museums, heritage sites to performing arts venues, they all require, produce, co-produce or invent new content and new forms of mediation that are ever-more immersive. While, practices and public financing are ever-changing in these sectors, our project aims to strengthen capacity building within the European digital culture market and build a transnational network of businesses, cultural institutions and content creators who are gearing up towards new opportunities and new channels for culture and knowledge dissemination.This « transnational co-creation incubator for digital installations enhancing capacity building in the cultural and creative sector » advocates for the recognition that innovation does occurs through collaboration. In addition to increasing the engagement of audiences, digital installations integrate new innovative scenarios of immersion in museums’ spaces, enhancing the visitors’ experience and transforming information visualization, access and interaction with arts, culture and heritage. The objective is to foster opportunity for European creators, together with a small group of experienced Canadian creators and few artists in exile, to reinforce skills, capacity, knowledge sharing through a process of co-creation/co-design as the way of the future for all innovative activity in the field of digital mediation, in association with value-chain partners. The project will gather 24 participants from different creative backgrounds (digital arts, new media producing, virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, multi-platform storytelling, video mapping, spatial 3D sound, animation, scenography/museography) to propel new digital installations ideas exploring intercultural dialogue and social integration of migrants for a museum in Greece.