

Literary translation projects

Tipo de actividad

Paises participantes



Fechas de inicio y fin
01/09/2015 – 28/02/2017

Estado del proyecto








Translation project “Trans-Europe: a Literary Journey across the Continent” was designed and carried out with an incentive to represent contemporary and distinct European literature to readership in Serbia, and with an accent on the literature written in lesser used languages. Nine titles were translated from their source languages into Serbian.Stylistic features and local hues were successfully transposed thanks to our experienced and awarded translators. Not only did they translate all the intricate details but served as interpreters of different cultures, histories, and epochs.The framework designed for this project contained well crafted distribution and promotion strategy. Important aspect of that strategy was digital shift which, we believe, will bring us long-term competitive advantage and leverage our production processes. It helped us to make books from our project, both printed and electronic, easily available in Serbia and abroad. Our distribution network included traditional channels but also online sales through our Web site and via eBook markets. The digital shift (presence on the online literature/culture/news Web sites, Facebook, etc.) also brought a significant benefit to promotional phase, making it easier to reach tech-oriented potential readers.Our cooperation with the media, book reviewers, and authors enabled reading audience in Serbia and other countries to be timely informed of new titles, the quality of the published works, and the motivation and goals we had set for our project and collaboration with Creative Europe programme. Special accent was on the importance and purpose of the European Union for Literature Prize, and we were glad to have two of EUPL winning authors as our guests. In times of radical global political and social changes, we find it of outmost importance to be the part of those streams in cultural industries that connect rather than divide the world. The promotion of the EUPL winners was our contribution to that effort.