Juan López López
From 10 Dec to 14 Feb 2016




At the beginning they were just bodies and spaces. And that was enough. That was enough to gain admission to the show. And things were going smoothly, the people passing by each other, or the way that some allowed others to pass on by. When does everything start to break up? To come apart at the seams little by little? Special attention must be paid to that first crack, because that is the moment when everything begins to fall apart.

En las afueras we see men and women just like us, houses like the ones that occupy the outskirts of our cities, and we hear words that we've heard one thousand times before, but this is not supposed to be a realistic representation. The characters don't have names, the suburban setting could be any town or city and the movements are slow and solemn. We are simultaneously between the workings of a classic tragedy and lost in a strange contemporary theatre performance. There are three couples that seem to live together, but they just look at each other and touch each other as if they don't believe anything they are seeing. It can't be possible that this is what it has come to. It can't be possible that the time and space they inhabit are so unbalanced, to the point where they seem uninhabitable.  The spaces are ruins of what they once were, while time has been smashed to pieces, like the archaeological remains among which one of the male characters, restless, moves about. Or like those super modern buildings that stand at the city's edge like an undeniable metaphor for those people who also live on the outskirts. Life has stepped outside of itself to fight a duel on different terrain. But against who? Against its own ghost: in reality, En las afueras is also based on horror films - that spectacle created by the night and by the shadows.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by Carlos Losilla entitled The limits between things.



Juan López López

Córdoba, 1980

Has a first degree in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia and a Master's degree in Cinematography from the University of Córdoba. He has complemented his training with numerous courses on sound art, film and documentary-making, as well as seminars on gender and photography. His artistic output is multidisciplinary (installation, photography, music and embroidery), although in recent years he has concentrated particularly on the audiovisual language, with works that evidence a special preoccupation with the themes of human identity and social and political issues. The tone of his video art works is closely tied to reality viewed through the critical, analytical prism of the documentary-maker, which is precisely what strips the work of its reality. His narratives are full of apertures, composed with a quasi-musical rhythm that remove them from the mechanisms of conventional story-telling and invite the spectator to explore uncomfortable yet eminently human situations.

Some of his audiovisual works have received awards and distinctions at film and art festivals such as Imagenera, Suroscopia, Alcances, Málaga Crea, Cosmopoética, D-Mencia, Mulier Mulieris, Rendibú, Videotalentos, Premio Pepe Espaliú, Eutopía, El Lugar sin límites and Muestra Audiovisual Andaluz. Since 2008 Juan López López has also been active in the field of art curatorship. He is currently leading two projects in the province of Córdoba: Aptitudes. Encuentro de cultura contemporánea Alfonso Ariza (Aptitudes: Alfonso Ariza Contemporary Culture Meeting) in La Rambla, and El Vuelo de Hypnos (The Flight of Hypnos) in Almedinilla. The aim in both cases is to turn art administration into a tool for social competence with its educational and healing properties.