José Luis Valverde

Sevilla. From 25 Oct to 27 Sep 2019

José Luis Valverde has become a goldsmith of painting, in the sense that he has learned to tame brushstrokes, moulding them into precise forms that “look” however he wants them to look.

Virginia Rota

Almería. From 27 Apr to 23 Jun 2019

Virginia Rota is one of those rare artists capable of showing us what the old masters are painting today.

Miguel Ángel Benjumea

Sevilla. From 16 Feb to 13 Apr 2019

Miguel Ángel Benjumea’s re-enactment, featuring a solitary woman wandering in a desolate landscape as she insistently repeats phrases from Stein’s libretto.

Irene Sánchez Moreno

Cádiz. From 22 Dec to 23 Feb 2019

The brand of high-mountain landscape art practised by Irene Sánchez belongs less to the realm of the sublime than to the sphere of the emotional, sustained by a thoughtful subjectivity that occasionally borders on the spiritual.

Javier Bermúdez • Jose Hevilla • Fran Conde • Cachito Vallés

Córdoba. From 15 Dec to 17 Feb 2019

Through the work of José García Vallés, Fran Conde and José María Hevilla, the “picture-object” will run the gamut from seemingly 19th-century positions to others where painting literally steps outside itself.

Blanca del Río Pérez • Mercedes Pimiento • Cristina Mejías • Paco Chanivet • Jose Iglesias Gª-Arenal

Sevilla. From 20 Oct to 05 Jan 2019

Project of investigation and exhibition that has as purpose the questioning of the object 'history' or 'historicity' through the artistic practices. This collective exhibition is composed of Mercedes Pimiento, Paco Chanivet, Jose Iglesias Gª-Arenal, Cristina Mejías and is curated by Blanca del Río.