Javier Valverde
From 27 Nov to 21 Mar 2021




We begin with the initial premise under which two elements – the path and the journey – have been present in all the previous projects, creating a series of works defined by a cross between painting and cinema, or rather a hybridisation of both media, with the latter arising from the discipline of painting in which it is firmly rooted.

Now, if these paths were previously established as a dialectic between the physical movement itself in the landscape and its artistic representation, in this new instalment, Viaje, código y permuta, (“Journey, code and switch”), the proposed journey becomes a symbolic path through languages and the media: that which starts with the painting and ends with the video.

For this, the painting abandons the hegemonic position of the wall and stands at the centre of the room, thus enhancing its nature as object art and creating a third adjoining dimension. With this new position of the work, which becomes both a parapet and producer-along-the-way at the same time, it is possible to reach the back of the painting through the path created around it, causing us to discover a place in the painting never seen before. It is there, where the vanitas of the 15th and 16th centuries symbolised the passage of time and the ephemerality of a life coming to an end, that the video will be projected.

Thus, as we enter the room, in this new physical movement that leads us through the paintings one by one, we take a round trip, front and back, since behind them we will find the same rendering, now in motion. This time, the path and the walk are transformed into a symbolic journey of code conversion, one that responds to the dialectical logic of converging media.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by Juan del Junco.

The project's master is Juan del Junco.



Javier Valverde

Málaga, 1991

Holds a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts from the University of Malaga (2013), where he also completed a Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Artistic Production (2015). He is currently working on his doctorate, also at UMA. He received the Creadores La Térmica scholarship (Malaga, 2015), an Iniciarte scholarship (Junta de Andalucía, 2013-14) and the UMA Scholarship for the Real Academia de España en Roma (2013).

His first individual exhibition, Maryon Park, took place in 2015 at the Exhibition Hall of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Malaga. His second individual exhibition was in 2017 Galería JM of Malaga, and titled Oleoramas del Parque del Oeste. He was selected to take part in various competitions and joint exhibitions, the MálagaCrea Visual Arts Contest CAC Málaga, (2016 and 2014, awarded Honorary Mention both years, 2015 and 2013), III Salón de las Vanidades, Palacio Ducal de El Carpio, Córdoba (2015) awarded Honorary Mention, Causa o pretexto (El Palmeral Iniciarte Exhibition Room, Malaga (2014), Mamá, Exhibition Room Cruzcampo Foundation, Malaga (2014), the VII and VI University of Malaga Painting Prize UMA Rectorate Exhibition Room, Malaga, (2013, awarded 2nd Prize that year and in 2012) and the III International Exhibition of University Art IKAS ART, Bilbao,(2011), among others.