Ana Morales • Delia Boyano • Belén Arellano Cañizares • Clara Malpica • CO2 Office

Málaga. From 19 Jan to 09 Apr 2023
Curated by the CO2 Office and with the participation of Ana Morales, Belén Arellano Cañizares, Clara Malpica and Delia Boyano, the exhibition Tiempo muerto [Time Out]  reflects on childhood through different artistic disciplines.


Lucía Díaz Barrales

Málaga. From 11 Dec to 07 Mar 2021

In this exhibition, Lucía Díaz Barrales takes a critical look at the construction of the figure of the witch in the context of Andalusia.

Javier Valverde

Sevilla. From 27 Nov to 21 Mar 2021

We begin with the initial premise under which two elements – the path and the journey – have been present in all the previous projects, creating a series of works defined by a cross between painting and cinema, or rather a hybridisation of both media, with the latter arising from the discipline of painting in which it is firmly rooted.

José Luis Valverde

Sevilla. From 25 Oct to 27 Sep 2019

José Luis Valverde has become a goldsmith of painting, in the sense that he has learned to tame brushstrokes, moulding them into precise forms that “look” however he wants them to look.

Virginia Rota

Almería. From 27 Apr to 23 Jun 2019

Virginia Rota is one of those rare artists capable of showing us what the old masters are painting today.

Moreno & Grau

Córdoba. From 19 Dec to 18 Feb 2018

The idea of landscape in Shore to Shore proposes a series of connections of a phenomenological (how and why do the events that define a river come about), materialistic (what are their physical and organic attributes) and telluric order (what mark do they leave on their people).

Regina Pérez Castillo • Arturo Comas • Álvaro Escalona • Miguel Ángel Benjumea • Fernando G. Méndez

Córdoba. From 10 Nov to 29 Dec 2017

The exhibition is curated by Regina Pérez Castillo with the artists Artuto Comas, Álvaro Escalona, Miguel Ángel Benjumea and Fernando G. Méndez.

Javier Artero

Sevilla. From 23 Sep to 19 Nov 2017

LOOPS AT A SPOOL. Continuation Ceremony is an installation project that uses allegory as a discursive strategy applied to objects, light and sounds taken from the landscape. Thus, a flagpole divested of its flag is presented as the central axis of the space, crowned by a gold finial.

Miguel Ángel Melgares

Córdoba. From 03 Jun to 29 Jul 2017

For Orbit, Miguel Ángel Melgares has devised an exhibition structure that is a cross between sculptural installation and set design or theatrical staging.

Efrén Calderón

Córdoba. From 18 Jan to 25 Feb 2017

Efrén Calderón is an artist who immerses us in the world of graffiti that comes with his project 'Home'.