ROOT less

ROOT less
Regina Pérez Castillo
Arturo Comas
Álvaro Escalona
Miguel Ángel Benjumea
Fernando G. Méndez
Del 10 Nov al 29 Dic 2017




The disappearance of geopolitical boundaries between cultures and miscegenation are phenomena typical of the expanding markets of our time, i.e. globalisation. We live in an age of constant cultural reinterpretation that has dealt a blow to traditional civilisations and folk identities, circumstantial actors in this new framework. Rootlessness is therefore one of the most characteristic sentiments of the contemporary world and the catalyst of numerous territorial, social and political conflicts. But this process of global integration contrasts with the biased treatment of migrants by individual states. In many cases, these individuals, uprooted from their lives and cultures, are treated as persons without rights or citizenship and, in some cases, even stripped of their nationality due to the cold indifference of their own governments and international organisations.

That gap of absurd incoherence is the focus of the artistic proposals in Des ARRAIGO [ ROOT less], an exhibition project by Regina Pérez Castillo which explores this multifaceted, contradictory reality from a thought-provoking perspective. The works of artists Arturo Comas, Miguel Ángel Benjumea, Álvaro Escalona and Fernando G. Méndez speak to us directly, casting doubt on the ideals of the "global village" and exposing harsh realities such as poverty, migration and the loss of individual identity. Each of these pieces, designed specifically for the occasion, situate us on the brink of a yawning chasm of uncertainties, flooding us with questions and giving us a chance to think long and hard about current issues of far-reaching significance.

The exhibition is curated by Regina Pérez Castillo, whose essays are featured in the accompanying catalogue.


Opening: 9 november, 20.00h

Educational workshop: 25 november, 11.30-13.30h

The curatorial visit & presentation of the catague: 25 november, 13.00h

