Local Lab at CEIP Siera Nevada-Guéjar Sierra

Lucia Miranda make a workshop about Applied Theater to resolve conflicts, to recover forgotten stories, so that people of different generations play together. Documentary theater, forum theater or collective creation are some of the tools she´ll use with the teachers and the students of CEIP SIerra Nevada, Guéjar Sierra.

Lucía Miranda (Spain, 1982), Artistic director, playwright, teachingartist and art´s manager. She´sthefounder of The Cross Border Project.


As a playwright she has published Nora, 1959 (NationalTheatre of Spain), Fiesta, Fiesta, Fiesta  (V New Dramaturgy Program) and Alicias buscan Maravillas (SGAE).  She has co-written Pais Clandestino, a show touredfor Chile, FIBA Argentina, MIT Sao Paulo and Dijon Festival.


Herwork has obtained several awards as El Ojo Crítico Award of Theatre 2018, the ONU Woman Award of Latin America 2014,the Award for Young directors of Spain (2013) or the HOLA Award and the ACE Award for The Best Show in Spanish in New York (2011).

Her shows has been opened at the National Theatre of Spain (Nora, 1959), the Thalia Theatre of New York (From Fuente Ovejuna to Ciudad Juárez), the African Forum Theatre Festival of Senegal (What do we do withgrandma?), Microtheater Miami (I´m Miami)  and the Sánchez Aguilar Theatre in Ecuador (Las Burladas por Don Juan and El hijo de la novia) between others.


She has directed several community and educational shows as concerts for the Young Choir and Orchestra of Madrid (JORCAM) or a Forum theatre piece at the National Theatre in Spain.


As teaching artist she has led workshops using Applied Theatre in universities and centres in Spain, the United States, Senegal, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Norway, Argentina, Uruguay, Bolivia and France.

M.A. in Educational Theatre, New York University; M.A in Arts Management at Complutense University, Madrid; she has obtained the Fulbright scholarship.

She is a member of the Director´s Lab, Lincoln Center, New York. 


CEIP SIerra Nevada Paseo del Emperador Carlos V, 17 18008 - Guéjar Sierra Granada