
Limfjordsteatret is a self-governing institution, located at Limfjordsvej 95 in Nykøbing, which was founded in 1989 by Limfjordsteatrets support group. It is a professionally run theater for the whole of Mors county with financial contributions from Morsø municipality and the state.

The Limfjordsteatret produces two to five performances each year for children, young people and adults. These performances play locally and are sent on tour in the rest of the country and sometimes also abroad. The performances are most often intended for smaller rooms at theaters, theater associations or cultural houses - or in different and intimate rooms such as a living room, a closed railway station, a store room.

The Limfjordsteatret has a theater hall (blackbox / flexible hall) , a rehearsal room and a room for students/theatre school and small installations and shows every season a number of guest games that are part of a subscription scheme with the theater's own performances.

The Limfjordsteatret also operates:

- The "LIMeren" - a workshop for performing arts ", a theater pedagogical department with a special focus on disseminating performing arts to schools, institutions, seminars etc.

- TheaterTalent Mors, a professional, two-year basic education in acting technique (SGK)

- Theater school for children during the winter months (2-4 pm and 5-7 pm)

- Showdance for 5th-7th. grade

- Summer school for children the first week of the summer holidays