Manuel M. Romero
From 23 Jun to 27 Aug 2017




In the Zero of Form is more than just an exhibition title; it is a statement of intent, an attitude that ultimately defines the works of Manuel M. Romero.

Is an artist who puts considerable thought into painting, although many of his feats are accomplished serendipitously. He eliminates the superfluous in order to retrieve the fundamental and boil everything down to its basic elements, which are always a product of the process and its systematic derivation.We are talking about painting and composition, but also about actions more typical of the objet trouvé and Dada-slanted perspectives that underpin the discourse and tell a non-narrative story, almost like ashes of the process—bits of paint which indicate that here even pigments are conjugated.

In one sense, I would say that what this young artist proposes are exercises in difficulty, insofar as they arise from an obsession with achieving a certain pause through the desired void of the abstract image. That explains the presence of the vestige, of painting that cannot contain itself and emerges once more—a painting with footnotes which the viewer must internalise. His work is constructed from surplus, from excess; it is a product of the remnant that removes, remains and resists.

Romero's painting is contained, even though it expands. It almost seems as if he is trying to calm the image through its reduction, its abyss. Everything is framed by a kind of void where presence reaffirms its inconclusiveness: a full void, the void as abstract density. For Richard Serra the void is matter, but here it manifests more vibrantly.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by David Barro, titled Manuel M. Romero: Conjugating the Void. The project’s master is Jesús Alcaide.

Openning: june 22, 20.30 h

Educational workshop: july 5 and 12, 19.00 pm to 20.30 pm

Guide visit: july 12, 19.30 pm


Manuel M. Romero

Seville, 1993

Romero earned his BFA at the University of Seville, the city which he has made his professional base. He focuses on reducing things to the essential and posits visual silence as an alternative to today's constant barrage of images. Romero tries to escape from the frenzied pace of our society and create spaces of hiatus and reflection: an abstract, empty, biased image based on fundamentals. His oeuvre is the product of an introspective investigation that probes the very depths of painting, stripping it of all additives and working with its most basic elements.

Romero's artwork has been featured in several group shows, including Málaga CREA (CAC Málaga, 2016), La Gran Máquina III where he won the Embarrat IEI Prize (Tárrega, Lleida, 2016), and Yo estuve aquí (Galería Cavecanem, Seville, 2016), as well as the solo show Límites (OTRA COSA, Seville, 2015).