Alejandro Ginés
From 14 Oct to 18 Dec 2016




When Alejandro Ginés talks about the pieces that comprise his exhibition EXIT/EXIST, he uses hardly ever refers to them as artworks, instead preferring the term "mechanisms". In Ginés's projects there is always something hidden, something that flees and eludes us, something that is not present—and this explains why mechanisms that come from such a familiar, ordinary, real context still manage to make us uneasy.

These mechanisms of concealment and revelation once again lead us to understand the objects that comprise EXIT/EXIST as poetic images that push different psychological buttons, for they are practically mental archetypes which invite us to rehearse our different escape plans, flight strategies laid out before us as one of the most vital necessities of being. Flee, escape, reach the forest, clear the paths.

We must claim the right to flee, even from ourselves. We must propose spaces in which the right to inhabit is determined not by the conditions of a real mortgage but by the terms of a poetic lease that invites us to dream of places hidden inside a file drawer, of unknown territories that appear beneath a chalkboard covered with beach sand, or of secret regions that can only be reached by climbing a precarious rope ladder like the ones we have all seen in prison break thrillers. Get out, run, escape. Find your own path.

"Tearing down a fence to open up a path":  this is how Alejandro Ginés describes one of the pieces in Plan de fuga. In it, a small, ordinary fence is the bait that trips the mechanism for escaping to somewhere else—a refuge against comfort, a place of one's own. After all, it's hard to find a place in the world.

After dodging all the snares, activating all the mechanisms and passing through all the tunnels, we finally see the forest: an image of the wild and untamed, the unknown, terra incognita, in which we lose our way and make our own paths.

Walking in uncertain places. Wandering through the dark corners of the mind until we discover a territory of escape. EXIT/EXIST. Opening doors, demolishing boundaries, discovering paths.                                                                                        

Jesús Alcaide.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by Jesús Alcaide, entitled 'Desaparezca aquí. (Mecanismos de evasión, escapismo existencial)'.

Artist Visit: 26th november, 12:30 pm.

Educational Workshop: 26th november, 11:30 am to 13:30 pm.


Alejandro Ginés

Seville, 1984

Earned his BFA at the University of Seville, where he also completed a Master's degree in Ideas and Production and is currently working towards a PhD in Art and Heritage.

He has participated in several group shows, such as the 13th Young Art Competition (Seville), the 20th Visual Arts Show, the 4th Asociación Reunart Photography Show in Valladolid (MUVa), the 1st BIUNIC Exhibition at Fundación Valentín Madariaga (Seville), MálagaCrea 2015, La Caja Blanca (Málaga) and the 37th City of Utrera Contemporary Art Competition (Casa de Cultura).

Notable solo shows include Habitar el espacio at the Guillena Visitors' Centre (Seville) and Espacios no domésticos at Casa de la Cultura Juan Varela, Doña Mencía (Córdoba).

Ginés has been awarded distinctions in various competitions, including Call 2016, the 18th Luis Adelantado International Young Arts Competition (Valencia), 3rd prize in the 13th Young Art Competition (sculpture category) organised by Seville City Council, and the 2nd City of Badajoz Photography Prize. His work can be found in the collections of the CAC Málaga, Fundación Valentín de Madariaga and CICUS (the latter two in Seville).

Through his art, Ginés speaks to us of how difficult it is for human beings to find their place in the world, considering the political and historical reality we live in, and urges us to reflect on the artist's craft and role in this complex contemporary era.