Efrén Calderón
From 18 Jan to 25 Feb 2017




Efrén Calderón is a singular case among the young people of his generation; he is determined not to abandon the graffiti culture from which he comes. His creations have a very recognisable aesthetic that unceremoniously mixes a variety of influences. His style is different. His skill set is broad and unorthodox. When you're in your twenties, it's the time be bold and willing to make mistakes.

Going out to write graffiti gives you a chance to meet new people and discover new locations. It's also a good time to think. It also, being a graffiti writer changes how you face the environment and you realise that you're part of an imperfect reality. This is what it appreciates in “Home”.

In this exhibition, you learn to distinguish and identify places where people live or sleep, as in the eight photographs of the series Construcción [Construction] (2016). Those shelters were built by anonymous people evicted from their homes who gathered found materials and made themselves a nest, a kind of refuge from the elements. Calderón is interested in how they collected those objects and transformed their functionality.

Efrén uses these compilations of retrieved objects, which range from small domestic utensils to a tent, to establish zones of conflict. Once they have been gathered and transported to an exhibition space, he alters them by applying large patches of colour. This juxtaposition of paint and discarded material makes a strong visual impression. The collision invites viewers to look above and beyond. The photographs in the ST series (2016) let us see the projects in their natural habitat, living free in their own domain.

This project also incorporates a number of salvaged items used as production tools, objects like paint stirring sticks. These small sculptures, aptly entitled Sticks (2016), speak to us of the process and its consequences. The painting becomes a recurring notion that pops up in our daily lives, in everything that surrounds us. All we have to do is take the objects and arrange them properly. We don't even need to pick up a brush; it's enough to accept recycling as a conceptual exercise and apply the logic of the objet trouvé to the pictorial, a disintegration that has already been underway for half a century.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by Sema D'Acosta.

Opening: January 17, at 6.30pm

Educational workshop: February 11, 12 a.m. to 2:00pm

Guided tour: February 11, 1:00pm

Presentation of the catalogue: February 10, 6.30pm


Efrén Calderón

Melilla, 1991

Earned his BFA at the University of Málaga, where he also awarded some production grants, like offered I Beca de Producción Cienfuegos (2015), and the artistic production La Térmica Creadores (2016).

He has participated in several artistics events including MAUS Proyect (Málaga Arte Urbano Soho), and in other groups shows like Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Málaga and Galería Goodspace (Sydney, 2016). Calderón is also participated in proyects like Bizarre Beyond Belief (New York, 2016) and other events linked to the graffiti culture.