Moreno & Grau
From 19 Dec to 18 Feb 2018




The idea of landscape in Shore to Shore proposes a series of connections of a phenomenological (how and why do the events that define a river come about), materialistic (what are their physical and organic attributes) and telluric order (what mark do they leave on their people). The first refers to the ways of life that the river has signified throughout history; the second to its physical presence, its aesthetics; and the third to its inhabitants' symbolic belonging to that place. If we combine those three readings, we realise that the works in this exhibition do not exactly refer to the Guadalquivir; in reality, and almost in spite of themselves, they are the Guadalquivir.

Shore to Shore consists of five independent yet complementary artworks that unfold freely in the Iniciarte gallery, without titles to identify them. The absence of titles turns the show into a kind of habitat, an extension of the natural world, where what we see is not accompanied by labels or additional information: a setting that neither evokes nor represents but simply exists.

The exhibition catalogue features an essay by David Armengol A river ain't too much to love

The project’s master is Jesús Alcaide.

Openning: 18 december, 18.30h

Educational workshop: 3 february 11.30  to 13.30h

Visit: 3 february, 13.00h


Moreno & Grau

b. Málaga, 1985/1989

San Telmo Art School, Málaga/ Jesús Marín Polytechnic Secondary School, Málaga

Moreno & Grau's creations are inspired by their interaction as an artistic duo, which had led them to develop a working method based on dialogue and two separate points of view. Seeing the same thing and thinking about the same concept from two different perspectives has sparked an interest in studying how humans relate to each other and to the world around them—in other words, studying relationships of cooperation and collaboration between human beings and the relationships of balance between humanity and the larger world.

Along the way, their research has intersected with new interests such as the landscape, ecology and the delicate equilibrium of different life forms.
They express all of this through photography, video, installation and sculpture.