Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia



The evaluation process will be conducted based on the content of the applications, with no documental proof of the conditions and merits required at that first stage. Once evaluation finishes, a provisional list of candidates will be selected for awarding, as well as a reserve list. Those candidates will be requested to provide the relevant documents supporting the information included in their applications.


DOCUMENTS the candidates must provide:

1.    In order to comply with the eligibility criteria, the following must be provided:

a)    Registration certificate or similar legal valid document, issued no earlier than three months from the deadline of submission of applications.

b)    PhD certificate or official notification of the award.

c)    Curriculum Vitae and Official document certifying the career in the three years prior to the deadline of submission of applications. (Report of Working Life or similar legally valid)

d)    Admission/invitation: document from a host institution where completion of the research project will take place in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.a).2º.3 annex III.

e)    Commitment Letter: commitment by a contracting entity to conduct recruitment in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 4.a).2º.4   annex IV.

2.    In order to accredit the information of the sworn declarations in Annex I Application Form referring to the eligibility criteria, the candidates must provide supporting documents to certify those merits described.

3.    Accreditation on the circumstance of having dependents by providing a certified copy of marriage certificate, similar legally binding document or official document certifying dependency status of a member of the family unit to the first degree of consanguinity or affinity.

4.    The applicants benefiting from an interruption referred to in paragraph 4.a) 2º. 1* or evidencing a degree of disability equal to or greater than 65%, should mention that in the application form and provide documentation as set out in Article 17.2 of the regulatory bases.

*These periods entail the corresponding extension in the previous accounting period of time from the date of obtaining the doctorate.

© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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