Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia



In order to be eligible, applications must be completed, including all requested information, documents and references and be presented before the deadline.

There is no template to follow for the CV (European format recommended) and proposal. The content is reflected in the Application Form.

The application may be completed preferably in English or Spanish.

Reasons for exclusion:

- Incomplete application

- Failure to meet eligibility conditions

- Submission of more than one proposal by the same applicant

Overview of documents:

Annex I Application Form

Annex II Form for claims / acceptance / redraft and submission of documents

Annex III Admission/invitation: document from a host institution where completion of the research project will take place (only in case of Outgoing Mobility)

Annex IV Commitment Letter: commitment by a contracting entity to conduct recruitment

Annex V Model Agreement: singed between the AAC and the Contracting Entity after rewarding and before start of the Research Project

© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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