Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia


Talentia Fellowship

The Fellowship

The TALENTIA Fellowship Program is an initiative by the Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment that provides postgraduate scholarships to students from Andalusia allowing them to study abroad in selected institutions. The program was created in 2007.

The Regional Ministry of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment in Andalusia acts in the interest of the Andalusian development, social well being and economic growth, supporting commercial relations worldwide by recruiting bilingual Andalusian graduates, with a global perspective and a wish to exploit their talent.

The fellowships are addressed to university graduates with outstanding intellectual and human excellence, an international profile and commitment to the development of Andalusia.

TALENTIA Fellowships are awarded to students for a maximum of 24 months.

The Government of Andalusia has committed over 22 million euro to 491 fellowships since 2007.

Integration of Talentia in the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

On April 30, 2011, the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento was established, as stated in the Andalusian Law of Science and Knowledge.

Talentia was dissolved with effective date October 1, 2011, and subrogated its legal themes, rights and obligations to the Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento (Andalusian Knowledge Agency)


The Talentia Fellowship Program of the Andalusian Knowledge Agency offers

Guidance and Advice.
Assistance to candidates in their selection of programs/educational centre/destination. Support the admission process to further advance their educational careers.

Economic Incentive.
The AAC pays for tuition, travel expenses and a living allowance (housing, health insurance) for a maximum of two academic years. A sole donation is made upon commencement of the program.

Return Plan.
Upon completion of the post-graduate course, TALENTIA awardees will receive assistance in joining the Andalusian job market. Furthermore, the Andalusian Knowledge Agency will encourage entrepreneurship, helping the awardees to launch their start-ups in essential sectors to Andalusia’s economic development.

To help develop a successful career in Andalusia, the program offers connections with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, research institutions and companies.


The TALENTIA Fellowship amounts to an average of 45.000 EUR.

  • Tuition fee. TALENTIA advances all tuition expenses directly to each university.
  • A sole donation of 1.500 EUR to cover costs upon arrival. (looking for housing, removal)
  • Monthly allowance. Grantees receive an ample living allowance inclusive of housing and health insurance, based upon costs indexes and university estimates, transferred to the student on a four-monthly basis.
  • One travel allowance regardless of the length of the program.

The Talentia Fellowship Program holds annual calls enabling successful postgraduate candidates to pursue masters, MBA, EMBA, Ph.D. and short non-degree programmes in leading universities and educational institutions abroad.

Candidates come from all disciplines and apply directly for admission to the universities or educational institutions of their choice and apply separately to the AAC for the distinction of a grant. Nominees for the TALENTIA Fellowship Program must be able to meet the admission requirements of the program they are applying for.


List of recommended destinations and programs

The 128 recommended destinations on the TALENTIA list are spread over 24 countries  This list of recommended institutions is among other criteria based upon rankings and reviews by media.


Key phases in award process:

1. Launch call for applications                         

2. Deadline for submission of applications                  

3. Provisional outcome                    

Selections for TALENTIA Fellowships are conducted by the Selection and Evaluation Committee.

Profiles are evaluated for:

  • Outstanding academic and professional merit, plus social commendations. 
  • Quality of the proposed program of study for which admission is considered.
  • Proposed career and professional return plan.
  • Progress in admission process and connection center of choice to Andalusia.

To hone the process, personal interviews may be decided for select candidates in order to assess the candidate’s global perspective, personality, creativity, initiative and leadership potential.

4. Verification of supporting documents

5. Final outcome                            

6. Acceptance deadline



Grantees must pursue the program for which the scholarship was awarded adhering to the dates indicated in the application.

Recipients commit to develop their careers in connection with Andalusia during 4 years out of the 8 years following completion of their program.  During transition period (4 years) the awardees are not obliged to return to Andalusia and may remain abroad to work on their professional career. The transition period may be taken continuously or fragmentized.



Applicants must have:

  • citizenship from one of the EU member states
  • a connection with Andalusia by birth, residence, work, university or blood
  • an EU undergraduate degree
  • graduated within 10 years before the application
  • receipt of proof of application/admission to a university of international prestige

Applications are completed and submitted online using digital signature.



The Andalusian Knowledge Agency cooperates with the Council of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Andalusia and individual companies in order to employ Talentia awardees. The Fellowship Program works closely with Extenda, Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia. With its headquarters in Seville and a growing network of offices worldwide, Extenda is committed to help doing business in/with Andalusia. The AAC also counts with the assistance of CADE (Centro de Apoyo al Desarrollo Empresarial) and Invercaria (Inversión y Gestión de Capital Riesgo de Andalucía)

Also see ¨Business Partners¨


Guidance returned Fellows

The Talentia Fellowship Program runs a careers service which helps current Talentia fellows to find jobs or create new companies in Andalusia. The AAC´s networks assist them for incorporation into private companies, public administration or centres for research and development and/or universities.


2015 Call


Launch of Call for Applications: to be confirmed

Deadline for Applications: to be confirmed


Some or all of the Fellowships awarded may remain unfilled.


Rules and foundations

The Fellowships are governed by the rules and foundations published in official notice in BOJA (Boletín oficial de la Junta de Andalucía).

© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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