Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia


Business partners

It is our goal to assist successful candidates in the preparation for admission and in their career plans.

The following organisations assist the AAC in this task:

British Council - IELTS

The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities offers a wide range of English courses, information and opportunities in teaching centres and online.

To know more about upcoming sessions, consult the IELTS dates and locations

Educational Testing Service -  TOEFL - GRE

ETS, founded in the US in 1947, conducts assessment and policy research and develops assessments and related services to advance quality and equity in learning worldwide.

Code number 6175 (only for TOEFL) has been assigned to Becas Talentia.

Please use this code number when indicating your institution as a score recipient. Scores will be sent directly from Educational Testing Service.

Get TOEFL Test Information




The Graduate Management Admission Council is a non-profit organization of leading graduate business schools around the world.

GMAC is the owner and administrator of the GMAT exam, created in 1954.

Council of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation

The Andalusian Knowledge Agency cooperates with the Council of the Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Andalusia and individual companies in order to employ Talentia awardees. Non disclosure agreements apply to this.


The Andalusian Knowledge Agency works closely with Extenda, Trade Promotion Agency of Andalusia. With its headquarters in Seville and a growing network of offices worldwide, Extenda is committed to help doing business in/with Andalusia.

Andalucía Emprende

Encourages entrepreneurship, helping the awardees to launch their start-ups in essential sectors to Andalusia’s economic development, with the assistance of CADE (Centro de Apoyo al Desarrollo Empresarial).

This foundation´s mission is to promote the development of entrepreneurial culture and economic activity of Andalusia,  contributing to the generation of competitive enterprises and quality jobs in the region.


An Andalusia venture capital enterprise under the umbrella of the Junta’s  Economy, Innovation and Science Council. Spain’s first public venture capital company specifically aimes at providing funding for start-ups and expansions, particularly for projects with high technological and innovative content.

© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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