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J. A. Armenteros, A. J. Gil (2010)

  • Delamination in the Betic Range: Deep structure, seismicity, and GPS motion

Geology. Geological Society of America. DOI: 10.1130/G33733.1. UCA

F. L. Mancilla, D. Stich, M. Berrocoso, R. Martín, J. M., A. Fernandez-Ros, R. Páez, and A. Pérez-Peña (2013)

  • Evaluation of NRTK positioning using the RENEP and RAP networks on the southern border region of Portugal and Spain

Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, Vol. 47 (1), pp. 52–65. U. Jaén

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  • Multivariate outlier detection based on robust computation of Mahalanobis distances. Application to positioning assisted by RTK GNSS Networks

International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Vol. 16, pp. 94–100. U. Jaén

Giménez, E., Crespi, M., Garrido, M. S. and Gil, A. J. (2012)

  • Tropospheric Modeling and Fixed Stations Constraints in Precise GPS Computations: Case Study

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  • Estrategias De Cálculo del Retardo Troposférico y su Influencia en Procesamiento GPS De Alta Precisión

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  • The RAP Net: A Geodetic Positioning Network for Andalusia (South Spain)

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Francisco Javier Mesas Carrascosa, Cristina Torrecillas Lozano, Miguel Redondo Redondo

  • Infuence of the Cuto Angle and the Bearing in High- Precision GPS Vector Determination

Journal of Surveying Engineering. Vol 133, n 2, pp. 90 - 94. U. Jaén

Zurutuza, J. and Sevilla, M. J. (2007)

  • Velocity field and tectonic strain in Southern Spain and surrounding areas derived from GPS episodic measurements

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A. Pérez-Peña, J. Martín-Davila, J. Gárate, M. Berrocoso, E. Buforn (2006)

  • Deformations monitoring by integrating local and global reference systems

Geodetic Monitoring: from Geophysical to Geodetic Roles. IAG / Springer Series, vol. 131. pp. 48 - 55 Springer Verlag. U. Jaén

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  • Cálculos precisos GPS: soluciones diarias y productos

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Universidad de Sevilla

A.M. Pérez, F.J.Gracia, I.Vallejo, J.A.Barrera, J.Ojeda

Mapping (mayo 2004). Instituto de Estadistica y Cartogragía de Andalucía

Francisco Sánchez Díaz, Cristina Torrecillas