Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia


Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for the Talentia Postdoc Fellowship candidates must comply with the following requisites:

  • Being non-resident of the country where the research will be carried out, unless being resident in Spain in the frame of a return phase of an outgoing mobility scheme.
  • Undergraduate degree: Holding an undergraduate degree issued within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). For degrees issued in countries not included in the EHEA a favorable technical report of the Direction of Evaluation and Accreditation of the Andalusian Knowledge Agency is required. Do not have a degree from a university of the country where the research will be carried out.
  • Doctorate holder: Hold a PhD degree obtained within 10 years before the deadline of Applications of the Call. Situations such as temporary disability, maternity leave, adoption or foster care may interrupt and must be credited and demonstrated by providing supporting documentation. These periods entail the corresponding extension in the previous accounting period of time from the date of obtaining the doctorate.
  • Work/Professional experience: Do not have worked or researched full-time for over 6 months, in the last 3 years, in the country where the research will be carried out.
  • Admission/Invitation: Being admitted to a reputed host institution to carry out a research project for two years. For the outgoing moblility scheme, the researcher will work between 12 and 18 months in a selected host institution and then spend a period of between 6 and 12 months in their selected agent of the Andalusian Knowledge System, completing the return phase.
  • Commitment: Candidates for both mobility schemes are responsible for securing an agent of the Andalusian Knowledge System to oversee their research activities. This is a requirement to be fulfilled before the deadline for submitting information during the application process.  For the incoming mobility scheme, the agent of the Andalusian Knowledge System will act both as host entity and contracting entity.

For the outgoing mobility scheme the requirements on residency, University degree and Work/Professional experience do not apply in the return phase.

Unless otherwise stated, the research activities will have to start in September 2014.

Apart from this, in order to be eligible, applications must be completed, including all requested information, documents and references and be presented before the deadline.

As general rules applying to the evaluation process, candidates will not be penalised for any career breaks, mobility will be individual driven, and an equal opportunities policy will apply at all levels according to the non-discrimination principle. Researches will not be discriminated in any way on the basis of age, ethnic, national or social origin, religion or belief, sexual orientation, disability, political opinion or economic condition.


The technical evaluation of the proposals will take place in a competitive basis, and in accordance with the principles of disclosure, transparency, merit and ability. Equal opportunities for all candidates will be ensured.

Applications will be evaluated on a 100 percentage point's basis, looking at the academic and professional profile of the candidates, appropriateness of the intended destinations, and potential impact of the programme of work, measured by:

Candidate profile (40%)

  • fellowships, scholarships or other awards obtained, as well as proofs of career progress and distinctions obtained in other dimensions. (0-10)
  • width and depth of previous research experience and publications, especially in top journals and across different fields of study. (0-10)
  • industry, entrepreneurial and management experience in areas relevant or transferable to its field of study. (0-10)
  • relevance for their research career of previous international exposure (0-10)

Destination (30%)

  • appropriateness of the intended destinations. (0-10)
  • appropriateness of the chosen mobility scheme for their research project. (0-10)
  • profile and comments of the supervisors at the intended destinations. (0-10)

Impact (30%)

  • feasibility and potential significance for the ERA of the proposed research project. (0-10)
  • potential impact of the proposed research project to the development of the research career of the candidate in the ERA. (0-10)
  • potential significance and impact on Andalusia of the proposed research project. (0-10)

© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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