Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia


Selection process

All official communications will be published on our website.

All the eligible candidates will be marked. All candidates who have obtained at least 50% of the points in each three evaluation criteria (candidate profile, destination and impact) will be ranked.

Three experts will independently evaluate each written research proposal against the evaluation criteria. The experts may not be of the same nationality. If scores given by experts are spread by more than 10% of the maximum possible score (100) one more expert will review the application. The final score will be the average of the three or four scores given. The Committee can request the intervention of further experts if spread is still significant.

Personal or telephone interviews may take place. The goal of the interviews will be to verify the candidate’s fit with the evaluation criteria: their profile, the reasoning behind their selection of destination centers and mobility scheme, and the potential impact of their research for the ERA. The interview will therefore help to adjust the marking during the evaluation process.

Candidates will be able to review its application status at www.becastalentia.com

Candidates awarded a Talentia Postdoc Fellowship will be offered two-year employment contracts under the Spanish Social Security System, including contribution to pension funds, health and accident insurance, parental leave and unemployment benefits.

Those selected will have a term of 10 working days to accept or reject the awarded post, which must be carried out by a written acceptance. On expiry of this period if the formality has not been verified the candidate may lose all rights to the selected post.

© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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