Junta de Andalucía

Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento

Programa Talentia



At the time of the applications, candidates don´t have to enclose all the documentation.

The Evaluation will be based upon sworn declarations.

If any document is missing or further information is needed, applicants will be notified and will have ten working days to provide the requested information.

A provisional outcome will be made public, based on the information and merits declared in the Application. All candidates who have obtained at least 50% of the points in each three evaluation criteria (candidate profile, destination and impact) will be ranked.

The provisional beneficiaries and the candidates on the reserve list must then provide the documents stated in the Application.

There will be a period of ten days (not including Sundays and Holidays) to provide FORM FOR CLAIMS / ACCEPTANCE / REDRAFT AND SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS

In this form you may:

- accept the Fellowship

- decline the Fellowship

- redraft your Application

- withdraw the Application

The final outcome will be issued after verification of the provided documentation.

Those selected will have a term of 10 working days to accept or reject the awarded post, which must be carried out by a written acceptance. On expiry of this period if the formality has not been verified the candidate may lose all rights to the selected post.

All official communications will be published on our web:






© Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento - Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación y Universidad

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